In order to use the mesh of the excellent cfMesh produced mesh with code_saturne I needed a mesh converter. Actually OpenFOAM can write the mesh to Ensight Gold format which is readable by code_saturne, but the patches weren't translated. This translater is able to do it.
Download it best into $FOAM_UTILITIES/mesh/converter/foamToMED, but probably the path doesn't matter, didn't check it. Then compile it in the usual OpenFOAM way, by first sourcing your shell environment file:
source $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-X.Y.Z/etc/bashrc
and then cd into the source path of the downloaded meshconverter and type:
this should compile the conervert and place the executable "foamMeshToMED" into your $FOAM_APPBIN dir.
If it doesn't work it probably doesn't find the header or the library of med which is a prerequisite for this converter.
Additionally to a working OpenFOAM setup you need also a version of med which you probably have anyways, the source can also be found at the salome download.