Detection: adpated from Person-MinkUNet (https://github.com/VisualComputingInstitute/Person_MinkUNet)
"The input to Person-MinkUNet is voxelized point cloud. In this work, we used voxel size (0.05m, 0.05m, 0.1m). A backbone network, implementation taken from [3], is used to extract features for each non-empty voxels. It is a submanifold sparse convolution network with ResNet20 architecture and U-Net connections. A fully connected layer is then used to regress 3D bounding boxes from the extracted features. These box proposals, after non-maximum suppression, are directly used as detections, with no refinement stage."[1]
- JRDB Dataset (https://jrdb.erc.monash.edu/)
- KITTI Semantic (http://www.semantic-kitti.org/)
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- Jia, Dan, and Bastian Leibe. "Person-MinkUNet: 3D Person Detection with LiDAR Point Cloud." arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.06780. 2021.
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