is an open-source collection of C++ code (compliant to C++20), suitable for use in wide range of deployment environments.sfc
offers efficient static linking support, light weight code and low runtime overhead, strong fail-safe guarantees under correct usage.sfc
is built on the principle that thes goals are best achieved through simple code that is easy to understand and maintain.
cmake -B build
cmake --build build
- core
- chr
- cmp
- fmt
- iter
- mem
- num
- ops
- option
- panicking
- ptr
- relfect
- slice
- str
- trait
- tuple
- variant
- alloc
- alloc
- box
- string
- vec
- backtrace
- collections
- circbuf
- queue
- vecmap
- vecset
- env
- ffi
- fs
- file
- meta
- path
- geo
- vector
- angle
- line
- point
- polygon
- trans
- projection
- io
- file
- stdio
- log
- math
- ndview
- ndarray
- serde
- ser
- des
- json
- sync
- atomic
- mutex
- condvar
- test
- unittest
- thread
- time
- datetime
- duration
- instant