Based on the ESP8266 Board
IR LED connected to Pin 14 (D5 on NodeMcu)
Uses MQTT to receive a JSON command on the aircon/set MQTT topic. All parameters need to be in the JSON message.
Currently nearly no abstraction of the data. So you need to send binary values for some fields instead of Strings.
"on": true,
"temperature": "24"
"mode": 8,
"fan": 2,
"timer": false,
"timer_value": "0",
"unitF": false,
on: Enable the unit
temperature: Setpoint of Airconditioning
fan: 1=high, 2=medium, 4=low
mode: 8=A/C, 2=Dehumidify, 1=Fan only
timer: Enables the timer. When unit is off it serves as the switch-on timer, if the unit is on it switches off after the interval
timer_value: Hours until the timer action (on/off) will be executed