The humour detection model code be found in HaHA/humour_detection_model/, but this is only provided for reference and will not be needed to run the bot as the humour scores have been pre-computed.
Before running the code in this folder, please obtain the model for emotion classification from
You may need to change the file paths in '' and '' to your local paths when running locally
This chatbot uses the react-chatbot-kit library:
To run the code in this folder locally, after cloning open a terminal window and do (from the directory where you cloned this project):
$ pip3 install virtualenv
$ virtualenv ./HaHA (if this doesn't work, try python3 -m virtualenv)
$ cd ./HaHA
$ source bin/activate
$ cd ./model
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
$ set FLASK_APP=flask_backend_with_aws
$ flask db init
$ flask db migrate -m "testDB table"
$ flask db upgrade
$ nano .env ----> add DATABASE_URL="sqlite:////YOUR LOCAL PATH TO THE app.db FILE" to the .env file, save and exit
$ flask run
$ cd ./HaHA/view
$ npm i
$ npm run start
Once set up, you can run the chatbot by simply executing the following commands in seperate tabs from the run_project directory:
$ ./run_HaHA_backend.bash
$ ./run_HaHA_frontend.bash