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My standard setup template for Typescript projects

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Getting Started

To get started with this npm package template, follow these steps:

  1. To ensure that TypeScript automatically appends the .js extension, add the following line to your settings.json file
    "typescript.preferences.importModuleSpecifierEnding": "js",
  2. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  3. Navigate to the project directory.
  4. In your package.json, use VSCode Find and Replace feature to change all instances of
    • mypackage to your own package name
    • yemreak to your own author name
    • alt text
  5. Delete docs directory
  6. Install the dependencies by running the following command:
    npm install
  7. Remember to put your d.ts files in the src/types directory

Knip Repo

You can use the following command to run the Knip script:

npm run knip

knip output

Npm package publishing

  1. To add a new user to npm registry, run:
    npm adduser
  2. To publish the package to the public npm registry, run:
    npm publish --access public


  • Target: ESNext - Uses the most recent ECMAScript version, allowing the use of latest features but may include unstable features
  • Module: ESNext - Adopts the latest module system, which supports modern tooling but may not be compatible with older environments
  • OutDir: ./dist - Directs compiled files to a specific directory, keeping source files clean but requires directory management
  • RootDir: ./src - Specifies the root folder for source files, organizing code effectively but necessitating correct path settings
  • ModuleResolution: Bundler - Delegates resolution logic to a bundler, simplifying module handling while increasing dependency on external tools
  • esModuleInterop: true - Facilitates importing CommonJS modules into ES modules, increasing compatibility but potentially obscuring module differences
  • ForceConsistentCasingInFileNames: true - Prevents casing issues in module imports, enhancing portability but requiring consistent file naming
  • Strict: true - Enforces strict typing, improving code reliability but increasing complexity in type management
  • SkipLibCheck: true - Skips checking of declaration files to speed up compilation, though may miss type errors in library definitions
  • ResolveJsonModule: true - Allows importing JSON files directly into TypeScript files, increasing ease of use but adding more steps to the build process
  • SourceMap: true - Generates source map files for debugging, improving developer experience but slightly increasing output size
  • Declaration: true - Generates type declaration files automatically, beneficial for library authors but adds to the compilation time
  • Incremental: true - Reduces build times by using incremental compilation, enhancing performance but may lead to incomplete recompiles if not managed correctly
  • StrictNullChecks: true - Forces explicit handling of null and undefined, increasing type safety but requiring more thorough initialization checks
  • Include: src/**/*.ts - Ensures all relevant files are included, simplifying project setup but requiring correct glob patterns
  • Exclude: node_modules, **/*.spec.ts - Prevents unnecessary files from being compiled, reducing clutter but requiring explicit exclusion patterns


My standard setup template for Typescript projects




