Convert SHACL and ShEx to UML-like class diagrams
- Author: Jose Emilio Labra Gayo
- RDFShape: An online demo powered by this library.
The project uses sbt for compilation.
Once you have installed sbt, you can generate an executable, running:
sbt universal:packageBin
It will generate an executable zip file in folder:
Once you have obtained the binary, you can uncompress in a folder and run it.
If you created a binary as described in previous section, you can invoke it as umlShaclex
It is also possible to run it using sbt as: sbt run <args>
The library can be used programmmatically or from the command line. Examples:
-Convert a ShEx schema file to SVG
umlShaclex --schema examples/shex/simple.shex --schemaFormat ShExC -o simple.svg -f svg
-Convert a ShEx schema file to UML (using PlantUML format)
umlShaclex --schema examples/shex/simple.shex --schemaFormat ShExC -o simple.uml -f uml
This project uses the sbt ci release plugin for publishing to OSS Sonatype.
Open a PR and merge it to watch the CI release a -SNAPSHOT version
- Push a tag and watch the CI do a regular release
git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "v0.1.0"
git push origin v0.1.0
Note that the tag version MUST start with v.
Contributions are greatly appreciated. Please fork this repository and open a pull request to add more features or submit issues