OMV-script for easy setup of a graph showing a total/free overview of all filesystems and the system-disk
To see the graphs for the system-disk, please add:
MountPoint "/"
to your /etc/collectd/collectd.conf in '<Plugin df>'
so that it looks something like this:
LoadPlugin df
<Plugin df>
MountPoint "/media/926fb5ca-b54e-4dfc-828b-5f45ad072265"
MountPoint "/media/f607a0b8-0539-495f-b375-89j522f63db69"
MountPoint "/media/336ce995-52bf-4f88-8f4a-1c34a8797bf4"
MountPoint "/media/dad0d11b-0b39-4cae-b055-93c5cf7a8b30"
MountPoint "/media/08afa682-defa-47fe-99ca-da92caf164d4"
IgnoreSelected false
MountPoint "/"
then restart the collect.d-daemon with
/etc/init.d/collectd restart