This package provides a set of Symfony commands, classes for integration Cycle ORM with any framework. We are supporting integration both versions of the ORM. If you want to integrate this to Laravel we already have a separated package which uses this bridge.
- PHP >= 8.0
- Cycle ORM 1 or 2 (branches
- Install the package via composer:
composer require wakebit/cycle-bridge
- Declare config
and fill database credentials:
use function DI\env;
return [
// Environment variables
'debug' => env('APP_DEBUG', 'true'),
// Database
'db.connection' => env('DB_CONNECTION', 'mysql'),
'' => env('DB_HOST', 'localhost'),
'db.database' => env('DB_DATABASE', ''),
'db.username' => env('DB_USERNAME', ''),
'db.password' => env('DB_PASSWORD', ''),
- Declare ORM config
. Dont forget to set up correct paths to entities path, migrations path:
use Cycle\Database\Config\DatabaseConfig;
use Cycle\Migrations\Config\MigrationConfig;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Spiral\Tokenizer\Config\TokenizerConfig;
use Wakebit\CycleBridge\Schema\Config\SchemaConfig;
use function DI\create;
* @psalm-suppress UndefinedClass
* @psalm-suppress MixedArgument
return [
'database' => static function (ContainerInterface $container): DatabaseConfig {
return new DatabaseConfig([
'default' => 'default',
'databases' => [
'default' => [
'connection' => $container->get('config')['db.connection'],
'connections' => [
'sqlite' => new \Cycle\Database\Config\SQLiteDriverConfig(
connection: new \Cycle\Database\Config\SQLite\MemoryConnectionConfig(),
queryCache: true,
'mysql' => new \Cycle\Database\Config\MySQLDriverConfig(
connection: new \Cycle\Database\Config\MySQL\TcpConnectionConfig(
database: $container->get('config')['db.database'],
host: $container->get('config')[''],
port: 3306,
user: $container->get('config')['db.username'],
password: $container->get('config')['db.password'],
queryCache: true,
'postgres' => new \Cycle\Database\Config\PostgresDriverConfig(
connection: new \Cycle\Database\Config\Postgres\TcpConnectionConfig(
database: $container->get('config')['db.database'],
host: $container->get('config')[''],
port: 5432,
user: $container->get('config')['db.username'],
password: $container->get('config')['db.password'],
schema: 'public',
queryCache: true,
'sqlServer' => new \Cycle\Database\Config\SQLServerDriverConfig(
connection: new \Cycle\Database\Config\SQLServer\TcpConnectionConfig(
database: $container->get('config')['db.database'],
host: $container->get('config')[''],
port: 1433,
user: $container->get('config')['db.username'],
password: $container->get('config')['db.password'],
queryCache: true,
'orm' => [
'schema' => static function (): SchemaConfig {
return new SchemaConfig();
'tokenizer' => static function (): TokenizerConfig {
return new TokenizerConfig([
'directories' => [
__DIR__ . '/../src/Entity',
'exclude' => [
'migrations' => static function (ContainerInterface $container): MigrationConfig {
return new MigrationConfig([
'directory' => __DIR__ . '/../resources/migrations',
'table' => 'migrations',
'safe' => filter_var($container->get('config')['debug'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN),
- Declare dependencies for PHP-DI container
use Cycle\Database\Config\DatabaseConfig;
use Cycle\Database\DatabaseInterface;
use Cycle\Database\DatabaseManager;
use Cycle\Database\DatabaseProviderInterface;
use Cycle\Migrations\Config\MigrationConfig;
use Cycle\Migrations\FileRepository;
use Cycle\Migrations\RepositoryInterface;
use Cycle\ORM\EntityManager;
use Cycle\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Cycle\ORM\Factory;
use Cycle\ORM\FactoryInterface;
use Cycle\ORM\ORM;
use Cycle\ORM\ORMInterface;
use Cycle\ORM\SchemaInterface;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Spiral\Tokenizer\ClassesInterface;
use Spiral\Tokenizer\ClassLocator;
use Spiral\Tokenizer\Config\TokenizerConfig;
use Spiral\Tokenizer\Tokenizer;
use Wakebit\CycleBridge\Contracts\Schema\CacheManagerInterface;
use Wakebit\CycleBridge\Contracts\Schema\CompilerInterface;
use Wakebit\CycleBridge\Contracts\Schema\GeneratorQueueInterface;
use Wakebit\CycleBridge\Schema\CacheManager;
use Wakebit\CycleBridge\Schema\Compiler;
use Wakebit\CycleBridge\Schema\Config\SchemaConfig;
use Wakebit\CycleBridge\Schema\GeneratorQueue;
use Wakebit\CycleBridge\Schema\SchemaFactory;
use function DI\autowire;
use function DI\factory;
use function DI\get;
return [
'config' => require 'config.php',
'cycle' => require 'cycle.php',
DatabaseConfig::class => static function (ContainerInterface $container): DatabaseConfig {
return $container->get('cycle')['database'];
SchemaConfig::class => static function (ContainerInterface $container): SchemaConfig {
return $container->get('cycle')['orm']['schema'];
TokenizerConfig::class => static function (ContainerInterface $container): TokenizerConfig {
return $container->get('cycle')['orm']['tokenizer'];
MigrationConfig::class => static function (ContainerInterface $container): MigrationConfig {
return $container->get('cycle')['migrations'];
DatabaseProviderInterface::class => autowire(DatabaseManager::class),
DatabaseInterface::class => static function (ContainerInterface $container): DatabaseInterface {
return $container->get(DatabaseProviderInterface::class)->database();
DatabaseManager::class => get(DatabaseProviderInterface::class),
ClassLocator::class => get(ClassesInterface::class),
ClassesInterface::class => static function (ContainerInterface $container): ClassesInterface {
return $container->get(Tokenizer::class)->classLocator();
FactoryInterface::class => autowire(Factory::class),
CacheManagerInterface::class => static function (): CacheManagerInterface {
// Here you need to pass PSR-16 compatible cache pool. See example with cache file below.
// Packages: league/flysystem, cache/filesystem-adapter
$filesystemAdapter = new \League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local(__DIR__ . '/../var/cache');
$filesystem = new \League\Flysystem\Filesystem($filesystemAdapter);
$pool = new \Cache\Adapter\Filesystem\FilesystemCachePool($filesystem);
return new CacheManager($pool);
GeneratorQueueInterface::class => autowire(GeneratorQueue::class),
CompilerInterface::class => autowire(Compiler::class),
SchemaInterface::class => factory([SchemaFactory::class, 'create']),
ORMInterface::class => static function (ContainerInterface $container): ORMInterface {
return new ORM($container->get(FactoryInterface::class), $container->get(SchemaInterface::class));
EntityManagerInterface::class => autowire(EntityManager::class),
RepositoryInterface::class => autowire(FileRepository::class),
- Now, you need to load a dependencies array created in the step above to PHP-DI. After you are free to use dependencies, write your code.
Let's look at quick example. Define entity:
namespace App\Entity;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Entity;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Column;
class User
#[Column(type: 'primary')]
private int $id;
#[Column(type: 'string')]
private string $name;
public function getId(): int
return $this->id;
public function getName(): string
return $this->name;
public function setName(string $name): void
$this->name = $name;
You can take DBAL, ORM and EntityManager from the container. Quick example of usage:
namespace App;
use Cycle\Database\DatabaseProviderInterface;
use Cycle\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Cycle\ORM\ORMInterface;
final class SomeClass
public function __construct(
private DatabaseProviderInterface $dbal,
private EntityManagerInterface $em,
private ORMInterface $orm,
) {
public function __invoke()
$tables = $this->dbal->database()->getTables();
$tableNames = array_map(fn (\Cycle\Database\TableInterface $table): string => $table->getName(), $tables);
// Create, modify, delete entities using Transaction
$user = new \App\Entity\User();
$user->setName("Hello World");
// ORM
$repository = $this->orm->getRepository(\App\Entity\User::class);
$users = $repository->findAll();
$user = $repository->findByPK(1);
See more on the official Cycle ORM documentation.
Command | Description | Options | Symfony command class FQN |
cycle:schema:migrate |
Generate ORM schema migrations | - --run : Automatically run generated migration.- -v : Verbose output. |
\Wakebit\CycleBridge\Console\Command\Schema\MigrateCommand::class |
cycle:schema:cache |
Compile and cache ORM schema | \Wakebit\CycleBridge\Console\Command\Schema\CacheCommand::class |
cycle:schema:clear |
Clear cached schema (schema will be generated every request now) | \Wakebit\CycleBridge\Console\Command\Schema\ClearCommand::class |
cycle:schema:sync |
Sync ORM schema with database without intermediate migration (risk operation!) | \Wakebit\CycleBridge\Console\Command\Schema\SyncCommand::class |
cycle:schema:render |
Render available CycleORM schemas. | - --no-color : Display output without colors. |
\Wakebit\CycleBridge\Console\Command\Schema\RenderCommand::class |
Command | Description | Options | Symfony command class FQN |
cycle:migrate:init |
Initialize migrator: create a table for migrations | \Wakebit\CycleBridge\Console\Command\Migrate\InitCommand::class |
cycle:migrate |
Run all outstanding migrations | - --one : Execute only one (first) migration.- --force : Force the operation to run when in production. |
\Wakebit\CycleBridge\Console\Command\Migrate\MigrateCommand::class |
cycle:migrate:rollback |
Rollback the last migration | - --all : Rollback all executed migrations.- --force : Force the operation to run when in production. |
\Wakebit\CycleBridge\Console\Command\Migrate\RollbackCommand::class |
cycle:migrate:replay |
Replay (down, up) one or multiple migrations. | - --all : Replay all migrations. |
\Wakebit\CycleBridge\Console\Command\Migrate\ReplayCommand::class |
cycle:migrate:status |
Get a list of available migrations | \Wakebit\CycleBridge\Console\Command\Migrate\StatusCommand::class |
Command | Description | Options | Symfony command class FQN |
cycle:db:list |
Get list of available databases, their tables and records count | - --database : Database name |
\Wakebit\CycleBridge\Console\Command\Database\ListCommand::class |
cycle:db:table <table> |
Describe table schema of specific database | - --database : Database name |
\Wakebit\CycleBridge\Console\Command\Database\TableCommand::class |
If you are using memory database (SQLite) you can just run migrations in the setUp
method of the your test calling the console command cycle:migrate
For another databases follow this instruction and drop all tables in the tearDown
If you want to use a manually defined ORM schema you can define it in the cycle.php
config key:
use Wakebit\CycleBridge\Schema\Config\SchemaConfig;
return [
// ...
'orm' => [
'schema' => static function (): SchemaConfig {
return new SchemaConfig([
'map' => require __DIR__ . '/../orm_schema.php',
// ...
Manually defined schema should be presented as array. It will be passed to \Cycle\ORM\Schema
constructor. See more here.
You can redefine the ORM schema compilation generators in the cycle.php
config key:
use Wakebit\CycleBridge\Schema\Config\SchemaConfig;
return [
// ...
'orm' => [
'schema' => static function (): SchemaConfig {
return new SchemaConfig([
'generators' => [
'index' => [],
'render' => [
\Cycle\Schema\Generator\ResetTables::class, // re-declared table schemas (remove columns)
\Cycle\Schema\Generator\GenerateRelations::class, // generate entity relations
\Cycle\Schema\Generator\ValidateEntities::class, // make sure all entity schemas are correct
\Cycle\Schema\Generator\RenderTables::class, // declare table schemas
\Cycle\Schema\Generator\RenderRelations::class, // declare relation keys and indexes
'postprocess' => [
\Cycle\Schema\Generator\GenerateTypecast::class, // typecast non string columns
// ...
Classes will be resolved by DI container. Default pipeline you can see here.
You can specify predefined or your own collection factory in container definition:
FactoryInterface::class => static function (ContainerInterface $container): FactoryInterface {
return new \Cycle\ORM\Factory(
dbal: $container->get(DatabaseProviderInterface::class),
defaultCollectionFactory: new \Cycle\ORM\Collection\DoctrineCollectionFactory(),
- Cycle ORM, PHP DataMapper ORM and Data Modelling Engine by SpiralScout.
- Spiral Scout, author of the Cycle ORM.
- Spiral Framework Cycle Bridge for code samples, example of usage.