pyspark and scala spark
This repo is a collection of Spark resources.
ALS Recommender System
Alternating Least Squares (ALS) matrix factorization recommender system was used to predict top movies for a new user given the ratings in the MovieLens dataset.
RMSE was computed for different ALS ranks in order to select the best model, which was then used to predict movie ratings and recommend highest rated movies to a new user.
Distributed Logistic Regression
LBFGS Logistic Regression was used to classify the 20newsgroups dataset according to one of 20 topics. Each document in a corpus was converted to a tf-idf vector labelled by the corresponding topic for training.
A test accuracy was computed by predicting the topic label based on test tf-idf document vectors. The figure above shows a t-SNE visualization of the 20newsgroups corpus.
Distributed Random Forest
A random forest classifier was used to predict survival on the titanic using features such as age, class, ticket fare and others. The dataset was converted to Spark dataframe and the features were aggregated with vector assembler.
A random forest with 100 trees and a max depth of 6 was used to make binary predictions using the Spark ML library.
Multi Layer Perceptron
A Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) was used to predict a binary label based on the titanic kaggle dataset. Spark data frames were used to read in and prepare the data for classification
The MLP was configured with two hidden layers, 7 input and 2 output neurons. It achieved an occuracy of over 80% on the validation set with 100 training iterations.
Distributed LDA
A distributed Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic model was fit on the 20 newsgroups dataset. The training data was preprocessed using a tokenizer, stop-word remover and a tf-idf transformer.
The number of topics was set to K = 20. The figure above shows a word-cloud of topics learned from the 20 newsgroups dataset.
RDD aggregation, RDD filter, RDD mapper,
word count, term document matrix, average, outliers, pi_est
PySpark 2.1.1
Python 2.7