- Simple restful service to send emails
- Encapsulates smtp functionality
- Hides smtp details from the caller to facilitate ease of migration between smtp providers
- Service is deployed as Azure Function App to minimize hosting expenses as of 2017-03-19 3 million requests / month would cost ~$51 USD
- For the proof-of-concept SendGrid on Azure was selected to get started
- Azure customers receive up to 25,000 emails per month for free with paid packages starting at only $9.95 per month
- Additional Pricing Info
- Email Service is using Azure Function App https end-point for in-transit encryption
- SendGrid Security Policy
- Create SendGrid account and get an API key with Send Email Full Access
- Replace ./email/config/default.json {SendGrid Api Key with SendMail Full Access} with value from SendGrid portal
- Replace ./email/config/default.json {secret-api-key} with your own value
- Using Azure Portal create new 'Function App'
- For the template select web-hook and give your function name 'email' - the function name and folder name in the source control must match
- A sample index.js will be created and url for the web-hook will be auto-provisioned
- Here is the confusing part comes - how to deploy on demand?
- From function settings panel, select 'Function app settings' - it is in the left bottom area
- Select 'Go to App Service Settings' from the main content page
- In Service Settings select 'Deployment credentials' on the left hand
- Configure deployment username and password - it can be used for git and for ftp deployment, record password - it cannot be displayed again as far as I could find
- Back to Azure Portal find your Function App, select 'Function app settings' again
- Select 'Go to Kudu' - new page will open
- Select Kudu icon on top left
- Select 'Source control info' in the main content - it will display json with git url
- Now (finally) you can push your code to the git repo that represents Azure Function App, git url is from the 'Kudu' portal and username/password are from the 'Service Settings'
curl -X POST -H "x-api-key: {secret-api-key}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"from": "[email protected]",
"to": "[email protected]",
"subject": "Contractor Vlad Khazin",
"body": "<b>Please advise the contractor that his services are no more required effective immediately!</b>"
} ' "https://{your function name}.azurewebsites.net/api/email"
"messageId": "<1489967715520.0.10416@RD0003FF9CDDD2>"