A runtime for terminal UI forms
[!warning] This product is in alpha. New features will be breaking until the project reached 1.0.
- Interactive Terminal User Interface (TUI)
- JSON support
- Non-Linear Forms
- State management
- 🚧 Experimental go package
As of right now, the project requires building from source. In order to do so, you will need:
- Golang
First, clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/m1chaelwilliams/goformit
Next, cd
into the directory and build the project:
cd goformit
go build
Ensure everything works by trying out one of the test forms:
./goformit -i testforms/sample_form.json -o out.json (-v)
is the input filepatho
is the output filepathv
is the optional verbose flag, which dumps logging to stdout after the program finishes.
The form builder TUI is currently under construction. Until it is useable, creating a form will require creating the JSON file from scratch.
A form has 3 root fields:
- prompts
- first_prompt
- vars
A form is made up of smaller pieces called "prompts". Here is what a sample prompt would look like in JSON:
"my_prompt_id": {
"id": "my_prompt_id",
"group": "my_group",
"type": "selection",
"title": "This is a prompt",
"choices": [
"Option A",
"Option B"
"next": {
"Option A": "next_prompt_id",
"_": "[[end]]"
There is quite a bit of information here. Let's break it down:
- id (required): a unique identifier for the prompt
- group (optional): a unique group id that the prompt response will end up in in the ouput
- type (required): the type of the prompt (input, selection, checkbox)
- title (required): the display title of the prompt
- choices (required for selection and multiselection): the display options to choose from
- next (required): a mapping of response -> next prompt ([[end]] signifies the end of the program)
This is the unique id of the first prompt (e.g. entry point) of the form. This is a required field.
Perhaps the most complex part of the runtime, the "vars" are a way to manage the form's state without having access to the codebase.
"vars": {
"group_id": "default"
"prompts": {
"my_prompt_id": {
"id": "my_prompt_id",
"group": "[[group_id]]",
"bind_submit": "[[group_id]]"
"type": "input",
"title": "Choose which group I end up in",
"next": {
"_": "next_prompt"
In this example, a variable called group_id
is declared with a default value of "default". Then, in the prompt, group_id
is used with the special syntax [[var]]
inside of "group" and "bind_submit". What this means is that 1. The group of my_prompt_id
will be the value of group_id
; and 2. on submit, group_id
will be set to the prompt's response.
This feature is highly experimental and in its early stages. Any feedback/suggestions are appreciated.
The TUI toolkit used for this project is Bubbletea.
This project is licensed under MIT.
Any contributions are welcome! Please take a look at the roadmap to see what is most needed.
Michael Williams - Creator Support me on Ko-fi