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A runtime for terminal UI forms

[!warning] This product is in alpha. New features will be breaking until the project reached 1.0.


  • Interactive Terminal User Interface (TUI)
  • JSON support
  • Non-Linear Forms
  • State management
  • 🚧 Experimental go package

Installation & Usage

As of right now, the project requires building from source. In order to do so, you will need:

  • Golang

First, clone the repository:

git clone

Next, cd into the directory and build the project:

cd goformit
go build

Ensure everything works by trying out one of the test forms:

./goformit -i testforms/sample_form.json -o out.json (-v)
  • i is the input filepath
  • o is the output filepath
  • v is the optional verbose flag, which dumps logging to stdout after the program finishes.

Making a Form

The form builder TUI is currently under construction. Until it is useable, creating a form will require creating the JSON file from scratch.

A form has 3 root fields:

  • prompts
  • first_prompt
  • vars


A form is made up of smaller pieces called "prompts". Here is what a sample prompt would look like in JSON:

"my_prompt_id": {
  "id": "my_prompt_id",
  "group": "my_group",
  "type": "selection",
  "title": "This is a prompt",
  "choices": [
    "Option A",
    "Option B"
  "next": {
    "Option A": "next_prompt_id",
    "_": "[[end]]"

There is quite a bit of information here. Let's break it down:

  • id (required): a unique identifier for the prompt
  • group (optional): a unique group id that the prompt response will end up in in the ouput
  • type (required): the type of the prompt (input, selection, checkbox)
  • title (required): the display title of the prompt
  • choices (required for selection and multiselection): the display options to choose from
  • next (required): a mapping of response -> next prompt ([[end]] signifies the end of the program)


This is the unique id of the first prompt (e.g. entry point) of the form. This is a required field.

"vars" (Experimental)

Perhaps the most complex part of the runtime, the "vars" are a way to manage the form's state without having access to the codebase.

Example Usage

"vars": {
    "group_id": "default"
"prompts": {
    "my_prompt_id": {
      "id": "my_prompt_id",
      "group": "[[group_id]]",
      "bind_submit": "[[group_id]]"
      "type": "input",
      "title": "Choose which group I end up in",
      "next": {
        "_": "next_prompt"

In this example, a variable called group_id is declared with a default value of "default". Then, in the prompt, group_id is used with the special syntax [[var]] inside of "group" and "bind_submit". What this means is that 1. The group of my_prompt_id will be the value of group_id; and 2. on submit, group_id will be set to the prompt's response.

This feature is highly experimental and in its early stages. Any feedback/suggestions are appreciated.


The TUI toolkit used for this project is Bubbletea.


This project is licensed under MIT.


Any contributions are welcome! Please take a look at the roadmap to see what is most needed.


Michael Williams - Creator Support me on Ko-fi


A runtime for creating TUI forms from JSON







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