![Shows dark version of UpgradeJS logo in dark mode and light version in light mode](https://github.com/upgradejs/.github/raw/8f93d4e52a42197143eec58262ffd98f48d31fe2/upgrade_js_logo_light.png)
UpgradeJS.com is a specialized JavaScript upgrade service we offer at OmbuLabs and this is where we keep all of our open source work.
Feel free to dive into any on of the public repos we have listed below. We accept contributions on just about anything.
Make sure to read each project's README carefully on contribution guidelines and have fun!
We maintain, co-maintain, and contribute to OSS because we love writing software and sharing it. It's part of our core values to be "open by default."
To elaborate a bit, we use a lot of open source tools everyday and we truly believe we should give back to the community.
Writing software is time consuming and we as developers get paid to write it. Considering so many developers took their time to write things we use every day and apps we rely on for our daily jobs, it's only fair that we share our knowledge (in our blog!) and the tools we made ourselves with everyone else, so that others that have the same problems can benefit from our expertise and contributions.
Also, it's a way to learn and to help others learn what they need to be successful at their jobs.
Finally, and going back to the first sentence: we love to write software and we love sharing it with everyone.