Validate Swedish personal identity numbers.
Add the package to your maven or gradle configuration.
If you prefer to use the package from github rather than maven-central,
add the repository as well.
plugins {
id 'maven'
repositories {
// If using maven central
// If you wish to use github
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
For more information on how to install and authenticate with github packages, check this link.
import dev.personnummer.*;
class Test
public void TestValidation()
Personnummer.valid("191212121212"); // => True
Personnummer.valid("121212+1212"); // => True
Personnummer.valid("20121212-1212"); // => True
// Short format (YYMMDD-XXXX)
(new Personnummer("1212121212")).format();
// => 121212-1212
// Short format for 100+ years old
(new Personnummer("191212121212")).format();
//=> 121212+1212
// Long format (YYYYMMDDXXXX)
//=> 201212121212
(new Personnummer("1212121212")).getAge();
//=> 7
(new Personnummer("1212121212")).isMale();
//=> true
//=> false
See src/test//
for more examples.