A command line utility to aid speedy navigation around a Magento install.
brew tap meanbee/tap
brew install goto
Usage: goto command [param]
goto command [param]
Commands can be one of the following:
root cd into the root directory of your installation.
app cd into the app/ directory.
skin [theme] cd into the skin/ directory. If theme is provided cd into skin/frontend/theme/default.
design [theme] cd into the app/design directory. If theme is provided cd into app/design/frontend/theme/default.
frontend [theme] cd into the app/design/frontend/ directory. If theme is provided cd into app/design/frontend/theme/default.
template theme cd into the app/design/frontend/theme/default/template/ directory.
layout theme cd into the app/design/frontend/theme/default/layout/ directory.
code [codepool] cd into the app/code/codepool directory. Can be local, community or core.
modman [module] cd into the .modman directory. If module is provided cd into .modman/module/.
log cd into the var/log/ directory.
switch [package] cd into another package, with the eqiuvilant path to your current working directory. If package is provided use this package, use 'base' otherwise.
help print this usage message.