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Extract utils from Controller and View
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kostmo committed Dec 8, 2022
1 parent 73b5c9f commit b38e88a
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Showing 7 changed files with 189 additions and 157 deletions.
51 changes: 26 additions & 25 deletions src/Swarm/DocGen.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -445,31 +445,32 @@ recipesToDot classic emap recipes = do
Dot.attribute ("color", "forestgreen")
mapM_ ((uncurry (Dot..->.) . (world,)) . getE) (toList testWorld2Entites)
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
let -- put a hidden node above and below entities and connect them by hidden edges
wrapBelowAbove :: Set Entity -> Dot (NodeId, NodeId)
wrapBelowAbove ns = do
b <- hiddenNode
t <- hiddenNode
let ns' = map nid $ toList ns
mapM_ (b .~>.) ns'
mapM_ (.~>. t) ns'
return (b, t)
-- put set of entities in nice
subLevel :: Int -> Set Entity -> Dot (NodeId, NodeId)
subLevel i ns = fmap snd . Dot.cluster $ do
Dot.attribute ("style", "filled")
Dot.attribute ("color", "khaki")
bt <- wrapBelowAbove ns
Dot.attribute ("rank", "sink")
-- the normal label for cluster would be cover by lines
_bigLabel <-
[ ("shape", "plain")
, ("label", "Bottom Label")
, ("fontsize", "20pt")
, ("label", "Level #" <> show i)
return bt
-- put a hidden node above and below entities and connect them by hidden edges
wrapBelowAbove :: Set Entity -> Dot (NodeId, NodeId)
wrapBelowAbove ns = do
b <- hiddenNode
t <- hiddenNode
let ns' = map nid $ toList ns
mapM_ (b .~>.) ns'
mapM_ (.~>. t) ns'
return (b, t)
-- put set of entities in nice
subLevel :: Int -> Set Entity -> Dot (NodeId, NodeId)
subLevel i ns = fmap snd . Dot.cluster $ do
Dot.attribute ("style", "filled")
Dot.attribute ("color", "khaki")
bt <- wrapBelowAbove ns
Dot.attribute ("rank", "sink")
-- the normal label for cluster would be cover by lines
_bigLabel <-
[ ("shape", "plain")
, ("label", "Bottom Label")
, ("fontsize", "20pt")
, ("label", "Level #" <> show i)
return bt
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- order entities into clusters based on how "far" they are from
-- what is available at the start - see 'recipeLevels'.
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62 changes: 32 additions & 30 deletions src/Swarm/Game/Step.hs
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Expand Up @@ -1558,13 +1558,14 @@ execConst c vs s k = do
currentContext <- use $ robotContext . defReqs
em <- use entityMap
creative <- use creativeMode
let -- Note that _capCtx must be empty: at least at the
-- moment, definitions are only allowed at the top level,
-- so there can't be any inside the argument to build.
-- (Though perhaps there is an argument that this ought to be
-- relaxed specifically in the cases of 'Build' and 'Reprogram'.)
-- See #349
(R.Requirements (S.toList -> caps) (S.toList -> devNames) reqInvNames, _capCtx) = R.requirements currentContext cmd
-- Note that _capCtx must be empty: at least at the
-- moment, definitions are only allowed at the top level,
-- so there can't be any inside the argument to build.
-- (Though perhaps there is an argument that this ought to be
-- relaxed specifically in the cases of 'Build' and 'Reprogram'.)
-- See #349
(R.Requirements (S.toList -> caps) (S.toList -> devNames) reqInvNames, _capCtx) = R.requirements currentContext cmd

-- Check that all required device names exist, and fail with
-- an exception if not
Expand All @@ -1580,35 +1581,36 @@ execConst c vs s k = do
let reqInv = E.fromElems reqElems

let -- List of possible devices per requirement. Devices for
-- required capabilities come first, then singleton devices
-- that are required directly. This order is important since
-- later we zip required capabilities with this list to figure
-- out which capabilities are missing.
capDevices = map (`deviceForCap` em) caps ++ map (: []) devs
-- List of possible devices per requirement. Devices for
-- required capabilities come first, then singleton devices
-- that are required directly. This order is important since
-- later we zip required capabilities with this list to figure
-- out which capabilities are missing.
capDevices = map (`deviceForCap` em) caps ++ map (: []) devs

-- A device is OK if it is available in the inventory of the
-- parent robot, or already installed in the child robot.
deviceOK d = parentInventory `E.contains` d || childDevices `E.contains` d
-- A device is OK if it is available in the inventory of the
-- parent robot, or already installed in the child robot.
deviceOK d = parentInventory `E.contains` d || childDevices `E.contains` d

-- take a pair of device sets providing capabilities that is
-- split into (AVAIL,MISSING) and if there are some available
-- ignore missing because we only need them for error message
ignoreOK ([], miss) = ([], miss)
ignoreOK (ds, _miss) = (ds, [])
-- take a pair of device sets providing capabilities that is
-- split into (AVAIL,MISSING) and if there are some available
-- ignore missing because we only need them for error message
ignoreOK ([], miss) = ([], miss)
ignoreOK (ds, _miss) = (ds, [])

(deviceSets, missingDeviceSets) =
Lens.over both (nubOrd . map S.fromList) . unzip $
map (ignoreOK . L.partition deviceOK) capDevices
(deviceSets, missingDeviceSets) =
Lens.over both (nubOrd . map S.fromList) . unzip $
map (ignoreOK . L.partition deviceOK) capDevices

formatDevices = T.intercalate " or " . map (^. entityName) . S.toList
-- capabilities not provided by any device in inventory
missingCaps = S.fromList . map fst . filter (null . snd) $ zip caps deviceSets
formatDevices = T.intercalate " or " . map (^. entityName) . S.toList
-- capabilities not provided by any device in inventory
missingCaps = S.fromList . map fst . filter (null . snd) $ zip caps deviceSets

alreadyInstalled = S.fromList . map snd . E.elems $ childDevices
alreadyInstalled = S.fromList . map snd . E.elems $ childDevices

-- Figure out what is missing from the required inventory
missingChildInv = reqInv `E.difference` childInventory
-- Figure out what is missing from the required inventory
missingChildInv = reqInv `E.difference` childInventory

if creative
then -- In creative mode, just return ALL the devices
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20 changes: 1 addition & 19 deletions src/Swarm/TUI/Controller.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}

-- |
-- Module : Swarm.TUI.Controller
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,6 +80,7 @@ import Swarm.Language.Requirement qualified as R
import Swarm.Language.Syntax
import Swarm.Language.Typed (Typed (..))
import Swarm.Language.Types
import Swarm.TUI.Controller.ControllerUtils
import Swarm.TUI.Inventory.Sorting (cycleSortDirection, cycleSortOrder)
import Swarm.TUI.List
import Swarm.TUI.Model
Expand All @@ -90,24 +90,6 @@ import Swarm.Version (NewReleaseFailure (..))
import System.Clock
import Witch (into)

-- | Pattern synonyms to simplify brick event handler
pattern Key :: V.Key -> BrickEvent n e
pattern Key k = VtyEvent (V.EvKey k [])

pattern CharKey, ControlChar, MetaChar :: Char -> BrickEvent n e
pattern CharKey c = VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar c) [])
pattern ControlChar c = VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar c) [V.MCtrl])
pattern MetaChar c = VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar c) [V.MMeta])

pattern ShiftKey :: V.Key -> BrickEvent n e
pattern ShiftKey k = VtyEvent (V.EvKey k [V.MShift])

pattern EscapeKey :: BrickEvent n e
pattern EscapeKey = VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEsc [])

pattern FKey :: Int -> BrickEvent n e
pattern FKey c = VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KFun c) [])

-- | The top-level event handler for the TUI.
handleEvent :: BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name AppState ()
handleEvent = \case
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24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions src/Swarm/TUI/Controller/ControllerUtils.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}

module Swarm.TUI.Controller.ControllerUtils where

import Brick hiding (Direction)
import Graphics.Vty qualified as V

-- | Pattern synonyms to simplify brick event handler
pattern Key :: V.Key -> BrickEvent n e
pattern Key k = VtyEvent (V.EvKey k [])

pattern CharKey, ControlChar, MetaChar :: Char -> BrickEvent n e
pattern CharKey c = VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar c) [])
pattern ControlChar c = VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar c) [V.MCtrl])
pattern MetaChar c = VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar c) [V.MMeta])

pattern ShiftKey :: V.Key -> BrickEvent n e
pattern ShiftKey k = VtyEvent (V.EvKey k [V.MShift])

pattern EscapeKey :: BrickEvent n e
pattern EscapeKey = VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEsc [])

pattern FKey :: Int -> BrickEvent n e
pattern FKey c = VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KFun c) [])
84 changes: 1 addition & 83 deletions src/Swarm/TUI/View.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -91,12 +91,12 @@ import Swarm.Game.World qualified as W
import Swarm.Language.Pretty (prettyText)
import Swarm.Language.Syntax
import Swarm.Language.Typecheck (inferConst)
import Swarm.Language.Types (Polytype)
import Swarm.TUI.Attr
import Swarm.TUI.Border
import Swarm.TUI.Inventory.Sorting (renderSortMethod)
import Swarm.TUI.Model
import Swarm.TUI.Panel
import Swarm.TUI.View.ViewUtils
import Swarm.Util
import Swarm.Version (NewReleaseFailure (..))
import System.Clock (TimeSpec (..))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -390,10 +390,6 @@ drawTime t showTicks =
maybeDrawTime :: Integer -> Bool -> GameState -> Maybe (Widget n)
maybeDrawTime t showTicks gs = guard (clockInstalled gs) $> drawTime t showTicks

-- | Render the type of the current REPL input to be shown to the user.
drawType :: Polytype -> Widget Name
drawType = withAttr infoAttr . padLeftRight 1 . txt . prettyText

-- | Draw info about the current number of ticks per second.
drawTPS :: AppState -> Widget Name
drawTPS s = hBox (tpsInfo : rateInfo)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -426,10 +422,6 @@ chooseCursor s locs = case s ^. uiState . uiModal of
Nothing -> showFirstCursor s locs
Just _ -> Nothing

-- | Width cap for modal and error message windows
maxModalWindowWidth :: Int
maxModalWindowWidth = 500

-- | Render the error dialog window with a given error message
renderErrorDialog :: Text -> Widget Name
renderErrorDialog err = renderDialog (dialog (Just "Error") Nothing (maxModalWindowWidth `min` requiredWidth)) errContent
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -473,77 +465,6 @@ drawModal s = \case
GoalModal g -> padLeftRight 1 (displayParagraphs g)
KeepPlayingModal -> padLeftRight 1 (displayParagraphs ["Have fun! Hit Ctrl-Q whenever you're ready to proceed to the next challenge or return to the menu."])

quitMsg :: Menu -> Text
quitMsg m = "Are you sure you want to " <> quitAction <> "? All progress on this scenario will be lost!"
quitAction = case m of
NoMenu -> "quit"
_ -> "return to the menu"

-- | Generate a fresh modal window of the requested type.
generateModal :: AppState -> ModalType -> Modal
generateModal s mt = Modal mt (dialog (Just title) buttons (maxModalWindowWidth `min` requiredWidth))
currentScenario = s ^. uiState . scenarioRef
currentSeed = s ^. gameState . seed
haltingMessage = case s ^. uiState . uiMenu of
NoMenu -> Just "Quit"
_ -> Nothing
descriptionWidth = 100
helpWidth = 80
(title, buttons, requiredWidth) =
case mt of
HelpModal -> (" Help ", Nothing, helpWidth)
RobotsModal -> ("Robots", Nothing, descriptionWidth)
RecipesModal -> ("Available Recipes", Nothing, descriptionWidth)
CommandsModal -> ("Available Commands", Nothing, descriptionWidth)
MessagesModal -> ("Messages", Nothing, descriptionWidth)
WinModal ->
let nextMsg = "Next challenge!"
stopMsg = fromMaybe "Return to the menu" haltingMessage
continueMsg = "Keep playing"
in ( ""
, Just
( 0
, [ (nextMsg, NextButton scene)
| Just scene <- [nextScenario (s ^. uiState . uiMenu)]
++ [ (stopMsg, QuitButton)
, (continueMsg, KeepPlayingButton)
, sum (map length [nextMsg, stopMsg, continueMsg]) + 32
DescriptionModal e -> (descriptionTitle e, Nothing, descriptionWidth)
QuitModal ->
let stopMsg = fromMaybe ("Quit to" ++ maybe "" (" " ++) (into @String <$> curMenuName s) ++ " menu") haltingMessage
maybeStartOver = sequenceA ("Start over", StartOverButton currentSeed <$> currentScenario)
in ( ""
, Just
( 0
, catMaybes
[ Just ("Keep playing", CancelButton)
, maybeStartOver
, Just (stopMsg, QuitButton)
, T.length (quitMsg (s ^. uiState . uiMenu)) + 4
GoalModal _ ->
let goalModalTitle = case currentScenario of
Nothing -> "Goal"
Just (scenario, _) -> scenario ^. scenarioName
in (" " <> T.unpack goalModalTitle <> " ", Nothing, 80)
KeepPlayingModal -> ("", Just (0, [("OK", CancelButton)]), 80)

-- | Get the name of the current New Game menu.
curMenuName :: AppState -> Maybe Text
curMenuName s = case s ^. uiState . uiMenu of
NewGameMenu (_ :| (parentMenu : _)) ->
Just (parentMenu ^. BL.listSelectedElementL . to scenarioItemName)
NewGameMenu _ -> Just "Scenarios"
_ -> Nothing

robotsListWidget :: AppState -> Widget Name
robotsListWidget s = hCenter table
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -713,9 +634,6 @@ drawConst c = hBox [padLeft (Pad $ 13 - T.length constName) (txt constName), txt
constName = syntax . constInfo $ c
constSig = " : " <> prettyText (inferConst c)

descriptionTitle :: Entity -> String
descriptionTitle e = " " ++ from @Text (e ^. entityName) ++ " "

-- | Generate a pop-up widget to display the description of an entity.
descriptionWidget :: AppState -> Entity -> Widget Name
descriptionWidget s e = padLeftRight 1 (explainEntry s e)
Expand Down

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