#Intelligent help system for artificial neural networks
git clone https://github.com/ostis-apps/ann.ostis.git
cd ann.ostis/scripts
cd ann.ostis/ostis-web-platform/scripts
There are 2 possible options to run:
Run on Linux:
cd ann.ostis/ostis-web-platform/scripts
Then open localhost:8090 in your browser
Current interface version allows node creation with system identifier and search main identifier by given system identifier. Functionality can be extended.
Please note that JSON Websocket protocol will be available as well after run. Run on Linux:
#Terminal 1
cd ann.ostis/ostis-web-platform/scripts
#Terminal 2
cd ann.ostis/ostis-web-platform/scripts
Then open localhost:8000 in your browser.
Please note that search field functionalities are limited. You can do a search by english identifier only. Search identifiers hint results shown by interface not consistentent with knowledge base in current version
You can open localhost:8090 in your browser as well to see new web interface version.
Place for knowledge base of your app. Put your .scs files here.
Place for problem solver of your app. Put your agents here.
Some tips:
- Store your modules with c++ agents in problem-solver/cxx;
- After update c++ code you need to rebuild problem-solver. Just run:
cd {project-name}/scripts
- For enable debug:
- add SET(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug) line to {project-name}/CMakeLists.txt file;
- rebuild problem-solver.
- Look example module with C++ agent here.