Both these scripts are meant to simplify the building of a demo stack for StackRox. With both you will get :
- DigitalOcean - VMs
- Ubuntu - OS
- K3s - Kubernetes
- Longhorn - Stateful storage
- Traefik - Ingress
- Jenkins - CI/CD
- Prometheus - Metrics
- Grafana - Graphing
- Openfaas - Serverless
- Graylog - Logging
- StackRox - Security
- Linkerd - Service Mesh
- KeyCloak - Authentication
- Harbor - Registry
- Code Server - Web IDE
Please pay attention to the variables at the stop of the scripts.
Any questions please feel free to create an issue or email me at [email protected].
Specifically this script is designed to be as fast as possible. How about a recording?
This script is for a more production ready approach with Rancher and Ubuntu. - Needs to be updated. ;)