This is a script that will allow you to refund all payment ID's either fully or partially from a json file.
Download repository and run composer to download required libraries:
composer install
Create your .env file:
touch .env
Format your .env file as follows:
(You can get your access token here. The interval is the time between requests to prevent you hitting the API limit if your data file is large).
Make sure your data.json file is in the main directory and is formatted as below then launch run.php.
"payment_id": "PM00327TS59DHF",
"amount": 999,
"total_amount_confirmation": 999
"payment_id": "PM00327TS59ABC",
"amount": 4067,
"total_amount_confirmation": 5000
Once the file has completed running a list will be returned and json file generated (completed.json) to return the actions that were performed on your GoCardless account.
"payment_id": "PM00327TS59DHF",
"refund_id": "RF00004DR019DB",
"result": "SUCCESS",
"amount": 999,
"message": null
"payment_id": "PM00327ZFVAA2H",
"refund_id": null,
"result": "ERROR",
"amount": null,
"message": "The total amount confirmation given did not equal the actual total amount"
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.