An interactive step-by-step solver for regular Sudokus.
The executable reads regular (9x9) Sudokus from text files and offers a collection of algorithms to solve them. There is no GUI, only console with colored output.
This little project is inspired by the great explanations on The naming convention used in the console output was adapted from there and most of the included test sudokus are taken from the 'Solving techniques' section.
- Locked Candidates
- Hidden Subsets, including Hidden Single
- Naked Subsets, including Last Digit
- Fish
- Basic Fish: X-Wing (2nd order), Swordfish (3rd order), Jellyfish (4th order)
- Exo Fins
- Franken Fish and Mutant Fish
- Unique Rectangle Type 1 & 2
- Brute Force
- Locked Naked Subsets
- Chains
- Endo Fins
- Wings
- More Uniqueness
- Siamese Fish
Place Sudoku files in the same folder. After loading it, type one of the printed characters. You can append a number to specify the maximal order, the pattern is searched for. Example: h6 looks for all hidden subsets with at most 6 cells.
The code is pure C++, only using the standard library. Requires C++17 and std::map<>::contains from C++20. Tested for Windows 10 and Ubuntu. The appearence of formatted console output may vary with the operating system.