a supercharged alternative client for wasteof.money
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wasteof profile
wasteof.cash is a spirited and cutting-edge alternative client for wasteof.money with superpowers.
- pretty ui ✨
- real-time post stats
- post scheduling
- extended top users
- messages + group chats
- post bookmarks
- better filters on search/explore
this project is still in beta and under active development, major and potentially catastrophic changes may occur (occasionally). if you find any bugs or security vulnerabilities, open a PR/issue for bugs and report to the appropriate contact methods at /security.txt for security vulns.
- SvelteKit - the website
- Hono - event/backend api
- Koa - underlying web framework (prod server)
- Postgres - stores information on features specific to wasteof.cash
- Drizzle ORM - bridges the database and frontend
- TailwindCSS
- Rome (linting)
the site will be open to select beta testers soon, stay tuned!
- landing page
- login page
- database setup
- feed page
- explore, search, messages, profiles, and settings page
- real-time post stats
- post bookmarks
- extended explore page
- post scheduling
- truncate reposts
- blacklist/block users
- user/group DMs
- (potential) AI powered explore/search page 👀
wasteof.cash will never store wasteof.money credentials¹, read the privacy policy for more details.
¹wasteof.cash will only ever store user tokens temporarily ONLY when given express permission by the user to post to wasteof.money at a later date (post scheduling feature)
open a pull request or just yell at me about bugs lol
mv .env.template .env
npm ci
npm run pg:generate
npm run pg:migrate
vite build
vite dev --host