This is a comprehensive Arduino library for interfacing with the CH455 7-segment LED display driver IC. It provides an easy-to-use interface for controlling the displays and reading key presses.
Simple interface to set up and control CH455 based displays.
Support for changing LED brightness.
Capabilities to read key presses from a keypad connected to CH455.
Functions to operate in either 7-segment or 8-segment mode.
Power management through sleep mode functionality.
Download or clone this repository to your local machine.
Unzip and rename the folder to CH455 (if necessary).
Move the CH455 folder into your Arduino libraries directory.
Restart your Arduino IDE.
Include the library with #include <ch455.h> in your sketch.
Create a CH455 object and begin communication by specifying SDA and SCL pins along with the desired brightness level:
CH455 display;
void setup() {
display.begin(uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl, uint8_t brightness); // Standard initialization with custom SDA/SCL
// or
display.begin(uint8_t brightness); // ATTiny or default SDA/SCL pins
Brightness ranges from 1 (minimum) to 8 (maximum), with a default of 8 if unspecified.
To initialize the display with additional parameters:
void setup() {
display.begin(uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl, uint8_t brightness, bool enabled, bool sleep, bool sevenSegment);
// or
display.begin(uint8_t brightness, bool enabled, bool sleep, bool sevenSegment);
Send digits to the display, optionally with decimal points:
void loop() {
display.digit(uint8_t digit, uint8_t number, bool dot); // With decimal point
// or
display.digit(uint8_t digit, uint8_t number); // Without decimal point
Adjust the display configuration at any time:
display.configure(uint8_t brightness, bool enabled, bool sleep, bool sevenSegment);
Control all digits and their respective decimal points:
display.showWithDots(uint8_t digit0, bool dot0, uint8_t digit1, bool dot1, uint8_t digit2, bool dot2, uint8_t digit3, bool dot3);
display.dotPosition(bool dot0, bool dot1, bool dot2, bool dot3); digit0, uint8_t digit1, uint8_t digit2, uint8_t digit3);
Create and display custom characters on the LED segments:
display.customDigit(uint8_t digit, bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e, bool f, bool g, bool dot);
display.customDigit(uint8_t digit, uint8_t digitData);
Read key presses when using CH455 with a keypad:
uint8_t keyboardData = display.readKeyboard();
Note: The library is designed to handle numeric displays and does not support alphabetic characters or other symbols.
Your contributions are welcome. Please feel free to submit pull requests or open issues to enhance the functionality of this library.
Enjoy building your projects with the CH455 Arduino Library!