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Creating a deceased individual

Sarah Poger Gladstone edited this page Sep 2, 2019 · 16 revisions

To create a person that you want to track the yahrzeit date for, start by creating a CiviCRM individual contact in the usual way:

  1. In the back office of CiviCRM, click "Create New ... Individual" (or edit an existing individual)
  2. Fill in their first name, last name and any additional fields you prefer, such as nickname.
  3. In the demographics section: It is not required, but it is strongly recommended to fill in "gender" for the deceased contact. (Hint: your yahrzeit reminders will look better. It will say "mother" instead of "parent" if gender is known. )
  4. (REQUIRED) In the demographics section, check the box labeled "Contact is Deceased" then fill in the English Deceased Date.
  5. (REQUIRED) In the section "Extended Date Information" choose yes or no for "Death Date before sunset". See screen print:

After saving this contact, you will see the "Yahrzeit Dates" section at the bottom of their contact record:

NOTES: Since the deceased are standard CiviCRM contacts, you can import them using the standard CiviCRM import tools. You can also use Drupal Webforms to collect information about deceased individuals related to your members/constituents.