This code is developed using the code from
Download necessary files. For download locations and links please refer to note.txt files in the following folders:
To train the model using MS coco weights, execute:
python samples/tabnet/ train --dataset=trained_model/tab --model=coco
To train the model using most recently saved weights, execute:
python samples/tabnet/ train --dataset=trained_model/tab --model=last
To evaluate the model using most recently saved weights, execute:
python samples/tabnet/ evaluate --dataset=trained_model/tab --model=last
Saved weights provided in the Google Drive link are trained using SciTSR dataset. UNLV train and test split is added in the repository for easy fine-tuning on UNLV and testing.
To generate output XML:
1. Execute the TabStructNet model for evaluation as specified in the repository's README.
2. Copy the 4 result folders generated in the trained_model/tab directory to the results folder inside the rename_output_files folder.
3. Execute
4. Copy the 4 result folders generated inside rename_output_files/rename_results to xml_generating_postprocessor directory.
5. Copy the validation JPEG images inside xml_generating_postprocessor/gt_without_box folder.
6. Execute
XMLs are generated in processed_xmls folder.
Please refer to initially for any issues in running the script.
Please use this to cite our work:
title={Table Structure Recognition using Top-Down and Bottom-Up Cues},
author={Sachin Raja, Ajoy Mondal, C V Jawahar},
publisher={Springer Science+Business Media},
journal={Accepted to ECCV-6007}
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Tensmeyer, C., Morariu, V., Price, B., Cohen, S., Martinezp, T.: Deep splitting and merging for table structure decomposition. In: ICDAR. (2019)
Shahab, A., Shafait, F., Kieninger, T., Dengel, A.: An open approach towards the benchmarking of table structure recognition systems. In: DAS. (2010)
Chi, Z., Huang, H., Xu, H.D., Yu, H., Yin, W., Mao, X.L.: Complicated table structure recognition. arXiv (2019)
Li, M., Cui, L., Huang, S., Wei, F., Zhou, M., Li, Z.: TableBank: Table benchmark for image-based table detection and recognition. In: ICDAR. (2019)