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2020 01 09 Committee meeting

Andrew Pett edited this page Jun 2, 2020 · 1 revision

Ruby New Zealand Incorporated

2020-01-09 Committee Meeting Minutes

7.15pm - 8.15pm


  • Rebecca
  • Andrew
  • Laura
  • Steve
  • Pete
  • Merrin


  • Mathew
  • Anthony

Opened: 7.18pm


  • Policy for gifts to event organisers (Merrin)
    • Discussion December, also at start of Kiwi Ruby organisation
    • Merrin proposed two ideas in December
      • Give some money
      • Give a gift
      • Andrew voiced some concerns at that point about setting a precedent, and making a solid policy to go forward with
      • Pete keen to do a one off, though thinks money itself would be transactional. Not sure of value of a policy. Seems to be a benefit of community, and goodwill probably appreciated.
      • Laura - advantage of policy is that the organisers of an event next year could get an equivalent gift
      • Merrin - also mentions that Ruby Retreat coming up
      • How defined do we make the policy?
      • Just define as making small gift of thanks?
      • Or down to detail of amount?
      • Start with what’s driving the decision this time which is a large surplus from Kiwi Ruby
      • Rebecca mentions a gift is quite late. Perhaps we do something for events going forward?
      • Pete concerned if we don’t solve this now, we may um and ah about it next time and it becomes late again.
      • Merrin looking to write a policy now saying the committee can spend money on a gift for the organisers of an event to be given to them at the end of an event. Non-monetary to ensure that we are abiding by Ruby NZ rules that the purpose of the organisation isn’t to make money for people on the committee.
        • Question around whether to exclude people on the committee.
        • Perhaps those on the committee can be excluded from making votes on how much/what to gift to those organising events
        • Cap? Or have committee agree on value of gift?
        • Proposal/Vote on gift policy:
          • The committee can vote to spend money on a gift to be given to organisers at the end of an event. The gift should be non-monetary and should not be excessive. Those on the committee who also organised the event should exclude themselves from the vote on what to gift
          • Unanimous yes
    • Flowers should have been given at the end of Kiwi Ruby
  • Gift or bonus for Kiwi Ruby organisers (Merrin)
    • Action: Merrin & Steve to organise gifts for Kiwi Ruby 2019 organisers.
  • Ruby Retreat (Steve, via Phil Arndt)
    • Phil invited Steve & Merrin into channel to try organise Ruby Retreat. Unclear what differences between Ruby Retreat and Rails Camp are. Biggest distinction is no alcohol.
    • Interest in Ruby NZ subsidising the event?
    • Interest in Ruby NZ subsidising diversity?
    • Merrin keen to underwrite. Not sure on subsidising
    • Andrew keen not to subsidise people generally, as we are mostly professional developers with the money to pay for a ticket but keen to subsidise tickets for students, diversity etc where that makes sense, however.
    • No formal request for money yet.
    • Steve asking whether as a general policy, we subsidise tickets for diversity
    • Pete suggests we should be looking to get sponsors, as there generally aren’t troubles doing so.
    • Merrin suggests if the organisers don’t find sponsorships for students, diversity that she’d be keen for RubyNZ to provide those.
    • Phil keen to know roughly what we’re willing to do.
    • Vote: Put aside 3500 for student tickets (partial), and diversity tickets (fully)
      • (Current balance just under 50k)
      • Unanimous yes
  • Ruby Retreat notwithstanding, do we have a general policy on when and how much we should subsidise events directly? (Steve)
    • Sounds like policy will be to sponsor diversity, and underwrite events, but not subside events aimed at professional developers
    • Question around sponsoring childcare, etc at future events
      • Merrin not keen to make super specific policy; go by our strategic direction and discuss at the time, depending on events and targeted audience.
      • Steve [treasurer] agrees broad guidelines fine.
  • Other business
    • Pete put together a ruby nz company survey, and opened up an internal issue to discuss.
      • Try to understand companies, hiring, identify companies who might be good for sponsorships, or companies who might be good to pair with jobseekers.
      • Outlines a few objectives, approaches.
      • Get thoughts offline
      • Something we might be able to perform yearly to gain data and information on trends?

Closed: 7.53pm