The application is divided up into two top-level scripts, one for data and the other for view, meant to be run independently. The data agent will download a local copy of the four different time spans of the different data sources from this base URL:
All configuration is handled through the config.ini file with different groups for the data and view agents. Configuration allows for all supported Plotly template color themes to be used.
Plotly White
Plotly Dark
- Differential Protons
- Differential Electrons
- Integral Protons
- Integral Electrons
- Magnetometer
- Xrays
- 6 hour
- 1 day
- 3 day
- 7 day
The Data Agent requires the following packages to be installed:
- os
- filehandling
- configparser
The View Agent requires the following packages to be installed:
- support
- configparser
- plotly
- pandas
- json
- dash
- dash_bootstrap_components
The support packages require the following packages to be installed:
- json
- urllib
- pathlib
- tzlocal
- python-dateutil
- scipy