Inspired by the collection of various chess players in this video, I decided to try to replicate it with another game, the game of the amazons.
Game of the amazons is a fun mix between chess and go, taking the idea of pieces and movement from chess and the idea of territory and capture from go. More about the game
Current players:
- Random
- Plays random moves
- xXx360noscopeheadshotsonlyxXx
- Moves to shoot arrows as close as possible to enemy queens
- Assassin
- Very similar to the HeadshotsOnlyPlayer but chooses a single queen to target instead, switching to new targets as they become unreachable
- RMCQueenAI
- Uses my forked amazons ai from
- Original AI author:
- Invader
- Uses the Invader2.1 found here
- Diluted AI players
- Play the move from an AI x% of the time, playing random moves the rest of the time
- Invader_50 and Invader_10
- Straight
- Move and shoot straight only
- Symmetry
- Up close and personal
- Move each queen up to one of the enemy queens and follow it around
- Mob
- Move all four queens up to a target and box it in
- Corner (Everyone for themselves)
- Move the 4 queens to their own corner and try to stay there
Player Elo
Corner 1014
Mob 1035
Straight 1189
Random 1245
HorizontalSym 1275
DiagonalSym 1289
VerticalSym 1345
UpClose 1355
Invader_10 1417
AlternateCorner 1429
Assasin 1694
Headshot 1762
Invader_50 2015
RMCQueenAI 2131
Invader 2297
Planned players:
- Monte carlo based AI player
- Bishop
- Move and shot diagonally only
- ScaredyCat
- Move all the queens to a corner and try to stay there
- Evade like hell
- Try to keep each amazon in an open 3x3 square
- Other variants: Keep the diagonals as open as possible, keep the straights as open as possible
- Firing squad
- Assemble into a line and attempt to "march" forward
- Buddy system
- Use an AI for every other move, and just attempting to copy that move with a "buddy"
- Neural network