Blockchain Setup for 2 Organizations with 2 Peers and Sample Chaincode to Store Students Marks into the ledger and Query the Student Marks With a Sample RESTServer Based on First Network and FabCar Application
Email: [email protected]
Hyperledger Fabric Version 1.4 Number of Organization 2 Number of Peers 2 each Names of MSP: edu1MSP, edu2MSP Endorsement Polict: Both orgs "AND ('edu1MSP.peer','edu2MSP.peer')"
- Clone the repository
- Make sure the docker images are available and node version >=12
- execute the command by going into fabric-samples/first-network
./ up -l node -a
4) The network is up and running with chaincode installed.
5) Open a new terminal go to fabric-samples/controller/javascript and run
npm i
6) after installation run
node enrollAdmin.js
7) now come back to the folder fabric-samples and run npm i
8) Start the server by node server.js
node server.js
the server will be up and running at localhost:8081 port
to exit
9) to stop the blockchain network go to the first terminal execute
./ down
The post man scripts are provided to
- register an user
- add student into the blockchain ledger
- query the student info with the id
- /register
- /student
- /query
Please contact if any issues at above mentioned email address