BunnyCDN is a simple batteries included HTTP client for the BunnyCDN Storage API. By default, it uses Req as the http client. You can supply your own by implementing the BunnyCDN.HTTPClient
behaviour. See https://github.com/quarterpi/bunny_cdn/blob/master/lib/http_client.ex for more details.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding bunny_cdn
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:bunny_cdn, "~> 0.1.0"}
Next, you will need to fetch your dependencies via mix deps.get
Run with iex iex -S mix
Optionally supply the storage endpoint, storage zone, and storage api key as environment variables:
BUNNY_STORAGE_API_KEY=my-super-secret-api-key \
BUNNY_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT=ny.storage.bunnycdn.com \
BUNNY_STORAGE_ZONE=my-test-storage \
iex -S mix
If you load the storage endpoint, storage zone, and storage api keys as environment variables as demonstrated above, you can use the BunnyCDN.Client.new!/0 function to create a new client struct.
alias BunnyCDN.Client
client = Client.new!()
# List contents of root directory.
BunnyCDN.get(client, "/")
# List contents of files directory. If it does not exist, the contents of `body` will be [].
BunnyCDN.get(client, "audio/")
# Download file at "audio/sample.mp3". If the file does not exists, an error touple will be returned with the status code 404. Otherwise the body will contain the binary representation of the file. The `content-type` and `content-length` headers can be used to determine the file's type and size.
BunnyCDN.get(client, "audio/sample.mp3")
# Upload a file. If the directory does not exists, it will be created. The status code will be 201 and the body will contain `%{"HttpCode" => 201, "Message" => "File uploaded."}`.
{:ok, file} = File.read("./sample.mp3")
uri = "audio/sample.mp3"
BunnyCDN.put(client, file, uri)
# Optionally supply the file name and path separately.
BunnyCDN.put(client, file, "audio", "sample.mp3")
# Delete a file. The response will have the status code 200 and the body will contain {"HttpCode" => 200, "Message" => "File deleted successfuly."}
BunnyCDN.delete(client, "sample.mp3")
# Delete a directory. The response will have the status code 200 and the body will contain {"HttpCode" => 200, "Message" => "File deleted successfuly."}
BunnyCDN.delete(client, "files/")
BunnyCDN is inspired by aws-elixir.
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/bunny_cdn.