IPNotify is a simple and powerful open-source tool that monitors your network for IPv4 address changes and sends real-time email notifications. With support for Dynamic DNS updates with DNSPod and Cloudflare, IPNotify automates DNS updates and ensures your DNS records are always up-to-date. Keep yourself informed and stay on top of network changes with IPNotify.
You can install IPNotify by compiling the source code or downloading the pre-compiled binary.
git clone https://github.com/PxGo/IPNotify
cd IPNotify
go build .
Download the binary for your OS from the releases page.
You can specify the path to your configuration file with the -f
IPNotify -f /path/to/config.yaml
Here is an example of a configuration file with explanations:
# query_urls is a list of URLs used to query the external IP address.
- https://ipinfo.io/ip
- https://icanhazip.com
- https://checkip.amazonaws.com/
- https://myexternalip.com/raw
- https://ifconfig.me/ip
# interval is a cron expression used to schedule the IP address query
# at regular intervals.
# Example:
# Every minute: 0 * * * * *
# Every 5 minutes: 0 */5 * * * *
interval: "0 * * * * *"
# smtp_host is the hostname or IP address of the SMTP server used to send emails.
smtp_host: mail.example.com
# smtp_port is the port number of the SMTP server.
smtp_port: 25
# smtp_user is the username used to authenticate with the SMTP server.
smtp_user: [email protected]
# smtp_passwd is the password used to authenticate with the SMTP server.
smtp_passwd: passwd
# from is the email address of the sender.
from: [email protected]
# to is a list of email addresses to send the notifications to.
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
# DNSPod is a DDNS provider that can be used to automatically update DNS records for a given domain and subdomain.
# Set "enabled" to true to enable DDNS with DNSPod.
enabled: false
# "login_token" is the authentication token used to authenticate with the DNSPod API.
login_token: "login token"
# "records" is a list of DNS record information that needs to be updated.
# Each record has the following fields:
# - "domain_id": The domain ID for the domain to update the DNS record for.
# - "record_id": The record ID for the DNS record to update.
# - "sub_domain": The subdomain for the DNS record to update.
# - "record_type": The type of the DNS record to update.
# - "record_line": The line for the DNS record to update.
# - "ttl": The time-to-live (TTL) for the DNS record in seconds.
domain_id: "your domain id"
record_id: "your record id"
sub_domain: "www"
record_type: "A"
record_line: "默认"
ttl: 600
# Cloudflare is a DDNS provider that can be used to automatically update DNS records for a given domain and subdomain.
# Set "enabled" to true to enable DDNS with Cloudflare.
enabled: false
# "api_token" is the authentication token used to authenticate with the Cloudflare API.
api_token: "your api token"
# "records" is a list of DNS record information that needs to be updated.
# Each record has the following fields:
# - "zone_id": The ID for the zone to update the DNS record for.
# - "record_id": The ID for the DNS record to update.
# - "record_name": The name of the DNS record to update.
# - "record_type": The type of the DNS record to update.
# - "ttl": The time-to-live (TTL) for the DNS record in seconds.
# - "proxied": A boolean field that indicates whether Cloudflare's proxy service should be enabled for the DNS record.
zone_id: "your zone id"
record_id: "your record id"
record_name: "www.example.com"
record_type: "A"
ttl: 1
proxied: true
IPNotify is released under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute the software. Contributions are welcome!