A classic Snake game implemented in Ruby using the Gosu library.
This project is a simple implementation of the classic Snake game. The player controls a snake, guiding it to eat food and grow longer while avoiding collisions with its own body.
- Smooth snake movement
- Randomly generated food
- Score tracking
- Start and game over screens
- Sound effects
- Ruby
- Gosu gem
Clone this repository
Install the required gem:
gem install gosu
Run the game with:
ruby game.rb
Press 'S' to start the game
Use arrow keys to control the snake
Eat food to grow and increase your score
Avoid hitting the the snake's own body
Press 'R' to restart after game over
Press 'Q' at any time to quit
- game.rb: Main game loop and window management
- snake.rb: Snake class with movement and growth logic
- food.rb: Food class for generating and drawing food
- Game over when colliding with walls (currently, the snake warps to the opposite side)
- Increasing game speed as the snake grows longer