A fullstack javscript app (expressjs/reactjs) for tracking timesheets for hourly employees.
View project description & demo
To set this up locally for yourself would require a few steps:
- Install & configure postgreSQL
- Clone this project.
- Install at two locations:
- root directory (For the clientside development package.json)
- server directory: ./src/server (For the serverside development package.json)
- Create .env file credentials (DB, API) -- See file "example-.env.file.txt" for instructions.
- Run knex db migrations & seeding, and manually create sessions table for express-sessions
- Compile frontend client with webpack configuration files
- Run server ("npm run dev" -- see clientside package.json)
- Admin page: http://localhost:3000/dashboard/admin_dash
- Registration page: http://localhost:3000/auth/register --> forwards to employee page
- Login page: http://localhost:3000/auth/login --> forwards to employee page
Framework | Purpose |
ReactJS | Main structure of frontend application logic, including user experience and backend communication |
Redux | Maintains frontend application state in centralized location |
Webpack | Bundles multiple project files and packages together into single files and transforms them for optimized browser experience |
Babel | Transpiles ReactJS components & css, configures javascript for targeted browser(s) |
Framework | Purpose |
Sass | An enhanced version of css, allowing for programmatic, extendible, compiled css (sass/scss) |
Bulma | A simple css frontend design and formatting framework |
Bootstrap | A responsive, sass framework (used with react-bootstrap-table) |
API | Purpose |
Google Maps | Mapping employee system users (timesheet clockin/clockout) |
Google Map address auto-complete | Automatically completes geographical address information as user type (employee/user profile) |
App's backend REST API | Database communication including user authentication & business data CRUD |
Package | Purpose |
NodeJS | Underlying runtime environment which executes javascript server code |
ExpressJS | Minimalist server web application framework & REST API |
bluebird | Enhances asynchronous programming |
csurf | API communication validation & form security |
bcrypt | Oneway password encryption in user authentication system |
express-session | Temporarily stores user-related application information such as user permissions, application configuration, and application messages |
KnexJS | Interacts with PostgreSQL database to implment database connectivity & data retrieval in javascript |
multer | Uploads files |
Platform | Purpose |
PostgreSQL | SQL Database |
Nginx | Web server software |
Ubuntu Server | Server operating system |
(Generated with DbVis)
I written any tests yet, but plan to. (REST API test examples: