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Customizing Chromium Flags

Jon Mease edited this page Dec 5, 2020 · 1 revision

Customizing Chromium Flags in Kaleido API

Kaleido is based on chromium, and it can be configured by the various chromium command line flags ( Our aim is to choose a default set of flags that will work in as many contexts as possible, but there may be cases where you need to customize these flags to get things working in a specific context (e.g.

As of version 0.1.0, the default chromium flags used by a scope can be determined by examining the chromium_args property of the scope.

from kaleido.scopes.plotly import PlotlyScope
scope = PlotlyScope()
('--disable-gpu', '--allow-file-access-from-files', '--disable-breakpad', '--disable-dev-shm-usage', '--no-sandbox')

You can override these flags by providing a tuple of flags as the chromium_args constructor argument...

from kaleido.scopes.plotly import PlotlyScope
scope = PlotlyScope(chromium_args=("--no-sandbox",))

or by assigning a new tuple of flags to the chromium_args attribute of a scope that has already been constructed.

from kaleido.scopes.plotly import PlotlyScope
scope = PlotlyScope()
scope.chromium_args = ("--no-sandbox",)

You can use attribute assignment method to add a flag to the existing defaults

from kaleido.scopes.plotly import PlotlyScope
scope = PlotlyScope()
scope.chromium_args += ("--single-process",)
('--disable-gpu', '--allow-file-access-from-files', '--disable-breakpad', '--disable-dev-shm-usage', '--no-sandbox', '--single-process')

Or you can use it to remove a flag from the existing defaults

from kaleido.scopes.plotly import PlotlyScope
scope = PlotlyScope()
scope.chromium_args = tuple([arg for arg in scope.chromium_args if arg != "--no-sandbox"])
('--disable-gpu', '--allow-file-access-from-files', '--disable-breakpad', '--disable-dev-shm-usage')

Customizing Chromium Flags when using Kaleido from

You can use the attribute assignment method to customize the chromium arguments of the default Kaleido Scope that is used by

For example, to add the --single-process flag to this set of default flags

import as pio
pio.kaleido.scope.chromium_args += ("--single-process",) 
('--disable-gpu', '--allow-file-access-from-files', '--disable-breakpad', '--disable-dev-shm-usage', '--no-sandbox', '--single-process')