MiRA (Multi-aperture Image Reconstruction Algorithm) is an algorithm for image reconstruction from interferometric data. The software is written in Yorick and expects data file in the OIFITS format.
for prerequisites and instructions to install
See USAGE.md
for a short introduction about using MiRA.
Thiébaut, É.: "MiRA: an effective imaging algorithm for optical interferometry" in SPIE Proc. Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 7013, 70131I-1-70131I-12 (2008) DOI.
Thiébaut, É. & Giovannelli, J.-F.: "Image Reconstruction in Optical Interferometry" in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 27, pp. 97-109 (2010) DOI.
Thiébaut, É.: "Image reconstruction with optical interferometers" in New Astronomy Reviews 53, pp. 312-328 (2009) DOI.