Plugin for flake8
used to contribute to pandas.
NOTE: this is not a linter meant for pandas usage, but for pandas development. If you want a linter for pandas usage, please see pandas-vet.
pip install pandas-dev-flaker
Code | Description |
PDF001 | found import from '' (use 'from collections import abc') |
PDF002 | builtin 'filter' function used |
PDF003 | builtin 'exec' function used |
PDF004 | 'foo.__class__' used, (use 'type(foo)' instead) |
PDF005 | leading space in concatenated strings |
PDF006 | Found '{foo!r}' formatted value (instead, use 'repr(foo)') |
PDF007 | line split in two unnecessarily by 'black' formatter |
PDF008 | found 'os.remove' (use 'tm.ensure_clean' instead) |
PDF009 | 'pytest.raises' used without 'match=' |
PDF010 | 'pytest.raises' used outside of context manager |
PDF011 | found 'pytest.warns' (use 'pandas._testing.assert_produces_warning') |
PDF012 | found 'pytest.xfail' (use 'pytest.mark.xfail' instead) |
PDF013 | import from 'conftest' found |
PDF014 | found import from 'pandas._testing' (use 'import pandas._testing as tm') |
PDF015 | from import from 'pandas.testing' (use 'import pandas._testing as tm') |
PDF016 | found 'unittest.mock' (use 'pytest.monkeypatch' instead) |
PDF017 | 'pd.api.types' used (import from 'pandas.api.types' instead) |
PDF018 | 'common' imported from 'pandas.core' without 'com' alias |
PDF019 | found both '' and 'foo' in the same file |
PDF020 | found private import across modules |
PDF021 | found 'np.bool' or 'np.object' (use 'np.bool_' or 'np.object_' instead) |
PDF022 | found import from 'numpy.random' |
PDF023 | found assignment to single-letter variable |
PDF024 | found string join() with generator expressions |
PDF025 | found 'np.testing' or 'np.array_equal' (use 'pandas._testing' instead) |
PDF026 | found union between Series and AnyArrayLike in type hint |
for how to get started.
Each new linting rule should be its own file inside pandas-dev-flaker/_plugins
. Please linting rule should have two sets of tests in pandas-dev-flaker/tests
- one for when the linting rule is expected to pass, and another for when it's expected to fail.
Several methods are simplified versions of methods from pyupgrade. Some of the checks were taken from the pandas repo. Please find both their licenses in the LICENSES
See pre-commit for instructions
Sample .pre-commit-config.yaml
- repo:
rev: 3.9.0
- id: flake8
additional_dependencies: [pandas-dev-flaker==0.5.0]