bash files to improve productivity adds a remote origin for directories you may have forked
- all variables should be updated.
- this is likely only useful one time updates all your repos with the upstream latest version
- list of repos should be updated.
- based on main branch being main or master. Needs updating as main branches are updated
- useful to do daily enables you to select a directory, then create folders & files
- can only do one directory at a time
- can do unlimited folders/files within that directory, one at a time (doing multiple is an easy fix, but I didn't think of it 'til now)
- adds a best guess at a title and a slug within the web/ directory, and tags based on the path and "needs content"
- adds generic headings. Edit to your liking updates upstream
- edit the list of repos in your project
- run at the start of every work session to update all your repos to the current upstream