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Build Results

Henne Vogelsang edited this page Aug 27, 2019 · 6 revisions


These are the states that a build can have, ordered by importance.

Name Actionable Color Background Description
failed ✔️ The package does not build successfully. No packages have been created. Packages that depend on this package will be built using any previously created packages, if they exist.
unresolvable ✔️ The build can not begin, because required packages are either missing or not explicitly defined.
broken ✔️ The sources either contain no build description (e.g. specfile), automatic source processing failed or a merge conflict does exist.
excluded ✔️ The package build has been disabled in package build description (for example in the .spec file) or does not provide a matching build description for the target.
scheduled A package has been marked for building, but the build has not started yet.
building 〰️ The package is currently being built.
blocked 〰️ This package waits for other packages to be built. These can be in the same or other projects.
disabled 〰️ The package has been disabled from building in project or package metadata. Packages that depend on this package will be built using any previously created packages, if they still exist.
finished The package has been built and signed, but has not yet been picked up by the scheduler. This is an "intermediate state" prior to 'succeeded' or 'failed'.
signing The package has been built successfully and is assigned to get signed.
locked 〰️ The package is frozen
dispatching A package is being copied to a build host. This is an intermediate state before building.
succeeded 〰️ Package has built successfully and can be used to build further packages.
unknown The scheduler has not yet evaluated this package. Should be a short intermediate state for new packages.
  • ✔️ = You most likely want to do something about this
  • 〰️ = You maybe want to do something about this
  • ❌ = You can't do something about this
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