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zampino committed Dec 12, 2023
1 parent 9871362 commit 8c46dc1
Showing 1 changed file with 36 additions and 142 deletions.
178 changes: 36 additions & 142 deletions notebooks/meta_toc.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,157 +1,51 @@
;; # 📕 Meta Table of Contents
(ns meta-toc
{:nextjournal.clerk/toc true
:nextjournal.clerk/no-cache true}
(:require [babashka.fs :as fs]
[clojure.string :as str]
[nextjournal.clerk :as clerk]
{:nextjournal.clerk/toc true}
(:require [nextjournal.clerk :as clerk]
[nextjournal.clerk.parser :as parser]
[nextjournal.clerk.viewer :as viewer]
[nextjournal.markdown.transform :as md.transform]))
[nextjournal.markdown.transform :as md.transform]
[nextjournal.clerk.viewer :as v]))

;; ## Notebooks
(def paths

;; TODO: something closer to a ns
(defn path->title [path]
(-> path fs/file-name (str/replace #"\.(clj(c?)|md)$" "") (str/split #"_")
(->> (map str/capitalize)
(str/join " "))))
#_(path->title "src/ductile/clerk/doc.clj")
;; This assembles the table of contents programmatically from a
;; collection of notebooks.

(defn md-toc->navbar-item [path {:as item :keys [children emoji attrs]}]
(cond-> {:title (cond-> (or (not-empty (md.transform/->text item)) (path->title path))
(seq emoji) (subs (count emoji)))
:expanded? true
;; ## Notebooks
(def notebooks

(defn md-toc->navbar-items [current-notebook file {:keys [children]}]
(mapv (fn [{:as item :keys [emoji attrs]}]
{:title (cond-> (md.transform/->text item) (seq emoji) (subs (count emoji)))
:expanded? (= current-notebook file)
:scroll-to-anchor? false
:emoji emoji
:path (str "#" (:id attrs))}
(seq children)
(assoc :items (mapv (comp #(assoc % :expandable-toc? false)
(partial md-toc->navbar-item path)) children))))

(defn path->doc-info [path]
(let [{:keys [title toc]} (parser/parse-file {:doc? true} path)]
{:path path
:toc toc
;; enforce only ATX-1 as title
:title (or (not-empty (-> toc :children first md.transform/->text))
(path->title path))}))

#_(:toc (parser/parse-file {:doc? true} "roadmap/"))
#_(->> (parser/parse-file {:doc? true} "src/ductile/clerk/doc.clj")
:toc :children
(mapv (partial md-toc->navbar-item "src/ductile/clerk/doc.clj")))

(defn doc-path->path-in-registry [registry folder-path]
(let [index-of-matching (fn [r] (first (keep-indexed #(when (str/starts-with? folder-path (:path %2)) %1) (:items r))))]
(loop [r registry
nav-path [:items]]
(if-some [idx (index-of-matching r)]
(recur (get-in r (conj nav-path idx))
(conj nav-path idx :items))

(defn normalize-atx1s [[first & rest]]
(cond-> first
(seq rest)
(update :items
(fnil into [])
(mapv #(assoc % :expandable-toc? false) rest))))

(defn remove-ext [s] (str/replace s #"\.(clj|md)$" ""))
#_(remove-ext "src/doc/clerk.mdx")
:path (clerk/doc-url file (:id attrs))
:items (md-toc->navbar-items current-notebook file item)}) children))

(defn add-collection [{:keys [index current-notebook]} registry [parent-path coll]]
(if (str/blank? parent-path)
(assoc registry :items coll)
(update-in registry
(doc-path->path-in-registry registry parent-path)
(fnil conj []) {:title (path->title parent-path)
:expanded? (or (= current-notebook index)
(str/starts-with? (str current-notebook) parent-path))
:folder? true
:href "#"
:path parent-path
:items (mapv (fn [{:as item :keys [toc path]}]
(-> item
(update :path (comp clerk/doc-url remove-ext))
(dissoc :toc)
(as-> item
(if (= current-notebook path)
(assoc (if-some [cs (seq (:children toc))]
(normalize-atx1s (mapv (partial md-toc->navbar-item path) cs))
item) :css-class "font-bold")
item)))) coll)})))
(defn meta-toc [current-notebook paths]
(into []
(mapcat (comp (fn [{:keys [toc file]}] (md-toc->navbar-items current-notebook file toc))
(partial parser/parse-file {:doc? true})))

#_(def current-notebook "src/ductile/clerk/doc.clj")
#_(def add-collection* (partial add-collection current-notebook))
#_(-> {}
(add-collection* ["roadmap" [{:title "Compound" :path "roadmap/compound.clj"}
{:path "roadmap/billing.clj" :title "z"}
{:title "EDI" :path "roadmap/edi.clj"}]])
(add-collection* ["roadmap/ars" [{:title "xxx" :path "roadmap/ars/billing.clj"}
{:title "xx" :path "roadmap/ars/compound.clj"}]]))

(defn intersect? [p1 p2] (or (str/starts-with? p1 p2) (str/starts-with? p2 p1)))

(defn compare-path-length-then-order [paths p1 p2]
(if (not (intersect? (str (fs/parent p1)) (str (fs/parent p2))))
(compare (.indexOf paths p1) (.indexOf paths p2))
(let [d (compare (count (seq (fs/path p1)))
(count (seq (fs/path p2))))]
(if (zero? d)
(compare (.indexOf paths p1) (.indexOf paths p2))

(defn meta-toc [{:as opts :keys [paths]}]
(->> paths
(map path->doc-info)
(group-by (comp str fs/parent fs/path :path))
(sort-by (comp :path first val) (partial compare-path-length-then-order paths))
(reduce (partial add-collection opts) {})

#_(meta-toc {:current-notebook "src/ductile/clerk/doc.clj"
:paths ductile.clerk/leaflet-paths})

(defn next-path [paths x dir] (when-some [i (.indexOf paths x)] (get (vec paths) (+ i dir))))
(defn update-header [[tag & contents] {:keys [current-notebook paths]}]
(let [sorted-paths (sort (partial compare-path-length-then-order paths) paths)
prev-path (next-path sorted-paths current-notebook -1)
next-path (next-path sorted-paths current-notebook +1)]
(cons tag
(cond-> ()
(into [[ ""]
{:href (viewer/doc-url (remove-ext prev-path))} "Prev"]])
(concat contents)
(concat [[ ""]
{:href (viewer/doc-url (remove-ext next-path))} "Next"]]))))))

(defn notebook-viewer [opts]
(update viewer/notebook-viewer
(def book-viewer
(update v/notebook-viewer
:transform-fn (fn [original-transform]
(fn [wrapped-value]
(let [opts (assoc opts :current-notebook (:file (viewer/->value wrapped-value)))]
(-> wrapped-value
(assoc :nextjournal/render-opts {:expandable-toc? true})
(assoc-in [:nextjournal/value :toc-visibility] true)
(assoc-in [:nextjournal/value :toc] (meta-toc opts))
(update-in [:nextjournal/value :header :nextjournal/value 1] update-header opts)))))))
(-> wrapped-value
(assoc :nextjournal/render-opts {:expandable-toc? true})
(assoc-in [:nextjournal/value :toc]
(meta-toc (:file (v/->value wrapped-value)) notebooks)))))))

(clerk/add-viewers! [book-viewer])

;; Test actual cross-doc toc
(viewer/reset-viewers! :default (viewer/add-viewers [(notebook-viewer {:paths paths})]))
(reset! viewer/!viewers {})
(viewer/reset-viewers! :default (viewer/add-viewers [book-viewer]))
(viewer/reset-viewers! :default (viewer/get-default-viewers))
(clerk/build! {:client-side-routing? true :paths paths}))

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