Go / React / Material-ui 网关登录工具
Download the version of the corresponding system
$ wget https://github.com/neophack/GatewayAuthPro/releases/download/v1.0.0/GatewayAuthPro_linux_amd64_1_0_0
$ chmod +x GatewayAuthPro_linux_amd64_1_0_0
$ ./GatewayAuthPro_darwin_amd64_1_0_0 -h
Usage of ./GatewayAuthPro_darwin_amd64_1_0_0:
-c string
--c config file path / 配置文件路径 (default "./config")
$ echo -e '[base]\nport = 8094\nproxySort=["test"]\n[proxy]\n [proxy.test]\n path = "/"\n target = ""\n httpAuth = ["tom"]\n[auth]\n [auth.test]\n account = "test"\n password = "123"' > ./config
$ ./GatewayAuthPro_darwin_amd64_1_0_0 -c ./config
2021/11/01 16:13:16 {"Base":{"Port":8094,"ProxySort":["test","serverstatusws","serverstatus"]},"Proxy":{"serverstatus":{"Path":"/","Target":"","CacheMaxAge":0,"HttpAuth":["tom"],"WsAuth":null},"serverstatusws":{"Path":"/public","Target":"","CacheMaxAge":0,"HttpAuth":null,"WsAuth":["tom"]},"test":{"Path":"/test","Target":"","CacheMaxAge":0,"HttpAuth":["tom"],"WsAuth":["tom"]}},"Auth":{"test":{"Account":"test","Password":"123"},"tom":{"Account":"tom","Password":"123"}}}
2021/11/01 16:13:16 listen : 8094
port = 8094
# proxy execution order / 代理执行顺序
crt = server.crt
key = server.key
path = "/test"
target = ""
httpAuth = ["tom"] # login account / 登录账号
wsAuth = ["tom"] # login account / 登录账号
path = "/public"
target = ""
wsAuth = ["tom"]
path = "/"
target = ""
httpAuth = ["tom"]
# account and password / 账号密码
account = "tom"
password = "123"
account = "test"
password = "123"
openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
openssl req -nodes -new -key server.key -subj "/CN=localhost" -out server.csr
openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt