Ibraheem Alhashim and Peter Wonka
Offical Keras (TensorFlow) implementaiton. If you have any questions or need more help with the code, feel free to contact the first author.
[Update] Added a Colab notebook to try the method on the fly.
[Update] Experimental TensorFlow 2.0 implementation added.
[Update] Experimental PyTorch code added.
- NYU Depth V2
- This code is tested with Keras 2.2.4, Tensorflow 1.13, CUDA 10.0, on a machine with an NVIDIA Titan V and 16GB+ RAM running on Windows 10 or Ubuntu 16.
- Other packages needed
keras pillow matplotlib scikit-learn scikit-image opencv-python pydot
for the model graph visualization andPyGLM PySide2 pyopengl
for the GUI demo. - Minimum hardware tested on for inference NVIDIA GeForce 940MX (laptop) / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950 (desktop).
- Training takes about 24 hours on a single NVIDIA TITAN RTX with batch size 8.
- NYU Depth V2 (165 MB)
- KITTI (165 MB)
- After downloading the pre-trained model (nyu.h5), run
python test.py
. You should see a montage of images with their estimated depth maps. - [Update] A Qt demo showing 3D point clouds from the webcam or an image. Simply run
python demo.py
. It requires the packagesPyGLM PySide2 pyopengl
- NYU Depth V2 (50K) (4.1 GB): You don't need to extract the dataset since the code loads the entire zip file into memory when training.
- KITTI: copy the raw data to a folder with the path '../kitti'. Our method expects dense input depth maps, therefore, you need to run a depth inpainting method on the Lidar data. For our experiments, we used our Python re-implmentaiton of the Matlab code provided with NYU Depth V2 toolbox. The entire 80K images took 2 hours on an 80 nodes cluster for inpainting. For our training, we used the subset defined here.
- Unreal-1k: coming soon.
- Run
python train.py --data nyu --gpus 4 --bs 8
- Download, but don't extract, the ground truth test data from here (1.4 GB). Then simply run
python evaluate.py
Corresponding paper to cite:
author = {Ibraheem Alhashim and Peter Wonka},
title = {High Quality Monocular Depth Estimation via Transfer Learning},
journal = {arXiv e-prints},
volume = {abs/1812.11941},
year = {2018},
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.11941},
eid = {arXiv:1812.11941},
eprint = {1812.11941}