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Library Reference

ncc-erik-steringer edited this page Apr 1, 2021 · 5 revisions

The principalmapper module exposes several different classes and functions and can be used for your own purposes. This page details the different submodules, classes, and functions to enable you to use Principal Mapper as a library.


The common submodule has all of the different main classes for working with Graphs and OrganizationTree objects. The classes are exposed through __all__, meaning you can do:

from principalmapper.common import Graph, Node, Edge


The Graph is an object containing Nodes, Edges, Groups, and Policies along with some metadata (AWS account ID, PMapper version). You can create a Graph a few ways:

from principalmapper.common import Graph, Node, Edge, Policy, Group

# to construct Graph you need all the nodes/edges/policies/groups/metadata ready to go
# nodes: List[Node]
# edges: List[Edge]
# policies: List[Policy]
# groups: List[Group]
# metadata: dict, must have keys 'account_id' and 'pmapper_version' or ValueError is raised

g1 = Graph(nodes, edges, policies, groups, metadata)

# if you have a Graph stored on-disk, there's a classmethod to load it
g2 = Graph.create_graph_from_local_disk('graph_dir')

# And with a Graph object you can drop it to disk with a method


Nodes represent IAM Users and Roles. Here's the signature of the constructor:

def __init__(self, arn: str, id_value: str, attached_policies: Optional[List[Policy]], group_memberships: Optional[List[Group]], trust_policy: Optional[dict], instance_profile: Optional[List[str]], num_access_keys: int, active_password: bool, is_admin: bool, permissions_boundary: Optional[Union[str, Policy]], has_mfa: bool, tags: Optional[dict]):

These are fairly self-explanatory. The constructor itself has a bunch of checks to make sure that all the values are filled and reasonable (i.e. you can't set a trust document for an IAM User). All of those input parameters can be read and updated after construction, such as is_admin.

Additionally, Node objects contain a cache dictionary. The cache is used for preventing recomputations, such as finding Edges where the Node object is the source of the Edge (get_outbound_edges(graph: Graph) method) or giving the "searchable name" of the Node (searchable_name() method).


Edges represent how one Node can authenticate as another Node, thus gaining the ability to make AWS API calls with that other Node's permissions. They are constructed with:

def __init__(self, source: Node, destination: Node, reason: str, short_reason: str)

The reason/short_reason parameters describe why the source node can access the destination node. PMapper's current code just lists a service name for the short_reason field. There is also a method, describe_edge() that returns a string that chains the source/reason/destination in a way that usually formulates a complete sentence. This is seen when running query where a principal has to access another principal to make an API call.


Groups correspond to IAM Groups. IAM Users can belong to one or more IAM Groups, IAM Groups can have multiple IAM Users as members. Groups can have attached policies, which filter down to its member IAM Users. Group objects in PMapper are constructed like so:

def __init__(self, arn: str, attached_policies: Optional[List[Policy]]):


Policies define the permissions that a given principal has, and are checked during the authorization process. These policies are defined using JSON objects. PMapper needs them serialized as dictionaries before passing it as a constructor:

def __init__(self, arn: str, name: str, policy_doc: dict):

The arn parameter should either be the ARN of the managed policy being represented, or the ARN of the resource in the case of resource policies.


OrganizationTree objects represent an organization from AWS Organizations, as well as its hierarchy of OUs (represented with OrganizationNode objects). These can be constructed as well as loaded and saved to disk as Graphs are:

def __init__(self, org_id: str, management_account_id: str, root_ous: List[OrganizationNode], all_scps: List[Policy], accounts: List[str], edge_list: List[Edge], metadata: dict):
from principalmapper.common import OrganizationTree

org1 = OrganizationTree.create_from_dir('org-dir')

For manual construction, see principalmapper.gathering.get_organizations_data for an example of the traversals needed to build the OU hierarchy.


The graphing submodule contains several files for generating Graph objects (including contained Node/Edge/Group/Policy objects) by interacting with the AWS API. The important submodules are:


graph_actions contains functions for generating and accessing Graph objects, and gets used by the graph subcommand of the PMapper CLI. In particular:

  • create_new_graph(session: botocore.session.Session, service_list: List[str], region_allow_list: Optional[List[str]] = None, region_deny_list: Optional[List[str]] = None, scps: Optional[List[List[dict]]] = None): this takes a botocore session (see principalmapper.util.botocore_tools for getting one) and a list of services (see checker_map from principalmapper.graphing.edge_identification) to call the AWS API and compile the data needed to produce a Graph.
  • create_graph_from_disk(location: str): this wraps around the Graph classmethod create_graph_from_local_disk and creates a Graph from on-disk data.


The various submodules with the suffix _edges produce Edge objects. They contain a class that is a child of EdgeChecker which expects a return_edges method implementation. Some of this requires pulling data from additional services (CloudFormation, Lambda), thus the EdgeChecker constructor requires a botocore session as well.

These submodules also have functions named generate_edges_locally, which create Edge objects based on input data rather requiring calls to the AWS API. This enables you to create Edges (and Graphs) based on infrastructure-as-code rather than calling the AWS API for an already-implemented system. One of the future goals of this tool is to be incorporated earlier in the development/operations process and catch risks before they make it to real infrastructure.


To run queries programmatically, you should use the query_interface submodule. It contains functions both for testing if a single principal can make a given API call as well as if the principal can pivot to other principals to make an API call.


This function does full policy evaluation for a single principal, no pivot checks. The arguments are:

  • principal: Node - The Node representing the IAM User/Role being tested for authorization
  • action_to_check: str - The action being tested for (such as s3:CreateBucket or ec2:RunInstances)
  • resource_to_check: str - The resource being tested for. For wildcards (*) you have to specify that asterisk in a string.
  • condition_keys_to_check: dict - The different condition context keys and their values to apply during authorization. Note that a bunch of these get automatically inferred (current time, principal account, principal arn, principal tags) when calling this function. See the _infer_condition_keys function for details.
  • resource_policy: Optional[dict] = None - When specified, includes the given resource policy (serialized and passed as a dictionary) as part of the authorization check. Note that if this is not None, you have to specify the resource_owner parameter, this function will not make that inference.
  • resource_owner: Optional[str] = None - When specified, marks which account (by ID) owns the resource to which a resource policy is applied. This must be specified if resource_policy is specified.
  • service_control_policy_groups: Optional[List[List[Policy]]] = None - This parameter includes SCPs in the authorization check. Note the format is a list of a list. The overarching list is the groups of SCPs that apply as you traverse from a root OU to the account's OU with the account's SCP at the tail end. The inner lists are the collection of SCPs at each level of the traversal. There is a function called produce_scp_list in the query_orgs submodule that produces the correct value to pass as this argument, it needs the Graph and OrganizationTree objects to work.
  • session_policy: Optional[dict] = None - This parameter sets a session policy for the authorization check, serialized as a dictionary.

The function returns a bool indicating that the request would be authorized or not. It also works for inter-account access checks where resource policies allow it.

This function has a few sibling functions with similar signatures:

  • local_check_authorization: only checks the caller's IAM policies + permission boundary, but does not support session policies/SCPs and cross-account testing.
  • local_check_authorization_handling_mfa: calls local_check_authorization_full to start. If that returns False, it applies condition keys for MFA to see if having MFA allows the request and calls local_check_authorization_full again. This returns a (bool, bool) tuple, the first says whether or not the principal was authorized and the second says if MFA is required.


This function is similar to local_check_authorization_full in signature, but it takes an additional parameter in the first spot. That additional parameter is the Graph object for the account. It also returns a different response value, a QueryResult object. This response expresses how an IAM User/Role could pivot to other principals to make an API request if they aren't authorized to do it to begin with.

QueryResult objects (query_result submodule) are constructed with:

def __init__(self, allowed: bool, edge_list: Union[List[Edge], Node], node: Node):

The allowed field says whether or not the principal was authorized or able to pivot to get to an authorized principal. The edge_list field is either:

  • A list of Edge objects, representing the path a principal would have to traverse to make an authorized request
  • A Node object. If it's a Node object, that means the Node was an admin that could not directly make the request, but by nature of being an admin could just assign themselves permission and make the request

The node field represents the caller the authorization check was working from.




The util submodule contains extra code used in other submodules, which may also be useful for your code using PMapper.


The arns submodule contains functions to get the different components of an ARN, which all take a single str argument and return a str. The functions are:

  • get_partition
  • get_service
  • get_region
  • get_account_id
  • get_resource: This is the trailing part of the ARN. Some services separate with colons for different types of resources, some separate with forward slashes. Either way, this returns all of it.
  • validate_arn: This actually returns bool to indicate if the passed str looks like an ARN.


This submodule has two functions:

  • get_session(profile_arg: Optional[str]): This function returns a botocore Session object and attempts to invoke sts:GetCallerIdentity to validate, which raises an error if it cannot. If you specify a value for profile_arg, it creates a session from that profile. Otherwise, it'll go through environment variables/instance metadata/etc. as implemented by botocore.session.get_session().
  • get_regions_to_search(session: botocore.session.Session, service_name: str, region_allow_list: Optional[List[str]] = None, region_deny_list: Optional[List[str]]): Given a botocore Session object, the name of a service, and either an allow-list or deny-list (but not both), this function returns a list of regions that this service supports (union allow-list or minus deny-list).

The storage submodule has one valuable function called get_storage_root. It provides the default location that PMapper stores Graph/Organization data on-disk. The returned value varies depending on the operating system that Python reports (via sys.platform) but can also be overridden by setting the PMAPPER_STORAGE environment variable.