React-spacing was inspired by Nathan Curtis' blog post "Space in Design Systems". Nathan covers three primary elements of whitespace: inset, stack, and inline. He goes on to suggest developers should size this whitespace using a harmonious scale of t-shirt sizes. Using these spacial components with only a few sizes enables developers to layout applications more quickly and with greater quality.
npm install github:nathanwinder/react-spacing
yarn add github:nathanwinder/react-spacing
- Layout components using a set of three spacial elements:
- Inset - A border around content (Red)
- Inline - Horizontal space to the left or right of elements (Green)
- Stack - Vertical space above or below elements (Blue)
const App = () => (
<Inset all={40}>
<Stack value={10}/>
<ul style={{display: "flex", flexDirection: "row" }}>
<li>item 1</li>
<Inline value={5}/>
<li>item 2</li>
<Inline value={5}/>
<li>item 3</li>
- Find issues quickly with debug colors.
<Inset all={40} debug={true}>
- Use @winderful/react-debugging to turn entire trees of elements on and off.
import { createDebugContext, withDebugProps } from "@winderful/react-debugging";
import * as spacing from "@winderful/react-spacing";
const DebugContext = createDebugContext(true);
const Inset = withDebugProps(spacing.Inset, DebugContext);
// debugging enabled for all child components
<Inset all={40} debugOptions={{ debugChildren: true }}>
<Stack value={10}/>
<ul style={{display: "flex", flexDirection: "row" }}>
<li>item 1</li>
<Inline value={5}/>
<li>item 2</li>
// disable debugging for this component
<Inline value={5} debug={false}/>
<li>item 3</li>
- Use @winderful/react-scales to define spacing scales
import { createScaleContext, withScaleProps } from "@winderful/react-scales";
import * as spacing from "@winderful/react-spacing";
const ScaleContext = createScaleContext({ s: 10, m: 20, l: 40 });
const Inset = withScaleProps(
<Stack value="m"/>
<Stack value={15}/>
- Use @winderful/react-breakpoints to set size based on breakpoint
import {
} from "@winderful/react-breakpoints";
import * as spacing from "@winderful/react-spacing";
const BreakpointContext = createBreakpointContext(
() => (window.innerWidth < 768 ? "mobile" : "tablet")
const Inset = withBreakpointProps(
<Stack value={{ mobile: 10, tablet: 20 }}/>
<Stack value={15}/>
- Use @winderful/react-debugging, @winderful/react-breakpoints, and @winderful/react-scales together.
const Inset = withDebugProps(
withScaleProps(spacing.Inset, ScaleContext, ...spacing.Inset.sizeProps),
<Inset all={{ mobile: "m", tablet: "l" }} bottom={5} debug={true} debugOptions={{debugChildren: true}}>
<Stack value="m"/>