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TFCW - Configuration syntax


Minimal configuration

tfc {
  // Your organization name in Terraform Cloud
  organization = "foo"

  // A workspace block with the name of your workspace
  workspace {
    name = "bar"

Block types

There are 4 block types supported by TFCW:

name description required unique
tfc configuration related to TFC and the workspace no yes
defaults a block containing some default configuration for the variable providers no yes
tfvar defines a Terraform variable in TFC no no
envvar defines an Environment variable in TFC no no

tfvar and envvar share exactly the same capabilities. They only differ in the sense of types of variables they provider on the TFC API.


tfc is an optional block that defines the configuration of your workspace. If not set, some values must be defined either through CLI flags or as Terraform Remote backend configuration

tfc {
  // Address of the TFC API (required), it can also be defined through:
  // the `--address` flag
  // the `TFCW_ADDRESS` environment variable
  // the `hostname` value of the Terraform remote backend configuration
  address = ""

  // Token to authenticate against the TFC API (required), it can also be defined through:
  // the `--token` flag
  // the `TFCW_TOKEN` environment variable
  // the `token` value of the Terraform remote backend configuration
  token = "<your_token>"

  // Name of your organization on TFC (required), it can also be defined through:
  // the `--organization` flag
  // the `TFCW_ORGANIZATION` environment variable
  // the `organization` value of the Terraform remote backend configuration
  organization = "acme"

  // Workspace related configuration block (optional)
  workspace {
    // Name of the workspace of your Terraform stack on TFC (required), it can also be defined through:
    // the `--workspace` flag
    // the `TFCW_WORKSPACE` environment variable
    // the `` value of the Terraform remote backend configuration
    name = "foo"

    // Whether to run terraform remotely or locally (optional, default: true (remotely))
    operations = true

    // Configure the workspace with the auto-apply flag (optional, default: <unmanaged>)
    auto-apply = false

    // Configure the workspace terraform version (optional, default: <unmanaged>)
    terraform-version = "0.12.24"

    // Configure the workspace working directory (optional, default: <unmanaged>)
    working-directory = "/foo"

    // Name of the SSH key to use (optional, default: <unmanaged>)
    ssh-key = "bar"

  // This flag enables the creating of the workspace if TFCW cannot find it under
  // the organization (optional, default: true)
  workspace-auto-create = true

  // Whether to purge or leave the workspace variables which are
  // not configured within this file (optional, default: false)
  purge-unmanaged-variables = false

Here is a contextualized example: docs/examples/


defaults is an optional block that allows you to define default configuration for the variable providers you are planning on using.

defaults {

  // Set some default values for variables
  var {
    // Whether to declare this variable sensitive in TFC (optional, default: true)
    // More information:
    sensitive = true

    // Whether to interprete this variable content as HCL in TFC (optional, default: false)
    // More information:
    hcl = false

    // TFCW will update the variable once this duration has been exceeded since the
    // last update (optional, default: <unset> -> always refresh value)
    // Format must comply with golang time.ParseDuration() function:
    ttl = "1h"

  // You can define as many provider blocks as you want
  // Default Vault configuration
  vault {

  // Default S5 configuration
  s5 {

  // There is no default configuration support for the env provider though


tfvar defines a Terraform variable in TFC. You can only use one provider block in each tfvar block.

tfvar "<name>" {
  // Name can be used to override the label of the resource (optional, default: <label name>)
  // NB: This value has to be unique amongst all the definitions.
  // You can have a tfvar "foo" {} and a envvar "foo" {} defined at the same time
  name = "<name_override>"

  // Whether to declare this variable sensitive in TFC (optional, default: true)
  // More information:
  sensitive = true

  // Whether to interprete this variable content as HCL in TFC (optional, default: false)
  // More information:
  hcl = false

  // TFCW will update the variable once this duration has been exceeded since the
  // last update (optional, default: <unset> -> always refresh value)
  // Format must comply with golang time.ParseDuration() function:
  ttl = "1h"
  // You have to define exactly ONE provider between vault{}, s5{} or env{}
  vault {

  // or
  s5 {

  // or
  env {


envvar defines a Terraform variable in TFC. You can only use one provider block in each envvar block.

envvar "<name>" {
  // Name can be used to override the label of the resource (optional, default: <label name>)
  // NB: This value has to be unique amongst all the definitions.
  // You can have a tfvar "foo" {} and a envvar "foo" {} defined at the same time
  name = "<name_override>"

  // Whether to declare this variable sensitive in TFC (optional, default: true)
  // More information:
  sensitive = true

  // Whether to interprete this variable content as HCL in TFC (optional, default: false)
  // More information:
  hcl = false

  // TFCW will update the variable once this duration has been exceeded since the
  // last update (optional, default: <unset> -> always refresh value)
  // Format must comply with golang time.ParseDuration() function:
  ttl = "1h"

  // You have to define exactly ONE provider between vault{}, s5{} or env{}
  vault {

  // or
  s5 {

  // or
  env {

Provider block types

Provider block types (or subblocks 🤷‍♂️) can be used under either defaults, tfvar or envvar blocks. They represent the necessary configuration to access the data from the provider. There is currently 3 kind of provider blocks:

  • vault to fetch values from Vault
  • s5 to fetch values through s5
  • env to fetch values from environment variables


vault {
  // Vault endpoint (required, can also be defined using the
  // VAULT_ADDR env variable)
  address = "https://vault.acme.local"

  // Vault token (required, can also be defined using the
  // VAULT_TOKEN env variable or at ~/.vault-token)
  token = "s.FCcSvkeZaCsIkddhdQ9Itn3g"

  // Following parameters can be also defined here but are more commonly defined
  // on a per secret basis

  // Method to use for making requests (optional, default: read)
  method = "read"

  // Path to query for getting the value (required, default: <empty_string>)
  path = ""

  // Params to add to the query (optional, default: <empty_map>)
  params = {}

  // The following ones are mutually exclusive but required, you need to use one of them

  // Key of the secret data to use as a value (required, default: <empty_string>)
  key = ""

  // Keys is a mapping of the keys in the secret to assign with variable names in TFC
  // Using this parameter will overide the `name` of the secret and actually iterate over this list
  // in order to create all the desired variables (required, default: <empty_map>)
  keys = {}

Here are contextualized examples:


s5 {
  // S5 engine to use (required)
  // Can either be "aes", "aws", "gcp", "pgp" or "vault"
  engine = "aes"

  // AES configuration
  // More details here:
  aes {
    // AES key to use (required, can also be defined using the S5_AES_KEY env variable)
    key = "3cf9d1b57c588f68bfd04b2e9644bd9e90c03cd18d15caba9d5b0b7162d52a69"

  // AWS configuration
  // More details here:
  aws {
    // ARN of the KMS key to use (required, can also be defined using the S5_AWS_KMS_KEY_ARN env variable)
    kms-key-arn = "arn:aws:kms:*:111111111111:key/mykey"

  // GCP configuration
  // More details here:
  gcp {
    // Name of the KMS key to use (required, can also be defined using the S5_GCP_KMS_KEY_NAME env variable)
    kms-key-name = "foo"

  // PGP configuration
  // More details here:
  pgp {
    public-key-path  = "~/public-key.pem"
    private-key-path = "~/private-key.pem"

  // Vault configuration
  // More details here:
  vault {
    transit-key = "default"

Here are contextualized examples:


env is the easiest to implement. You only need to specific which environment variable to fetch the value from.

env {
  variable = "FOO"

Here is a contextualized example: docs/examples/


The following functions are supported in HCL by TFCW:

name description
env Fetches a value from an environment variable


The env function interpolates an environment variable within a configuration file.



tfc {
  organization = ${env("ORGANIZATION")}

  workspace {
    name = ${env("WORKSPACE")}