Example of a variable configuration using a value stored in a S5 payload ciphered with a Vault transit key
You can find more details on how to use this cipher engine here.
We will consider here that the necessary accesses for Vault and the transit key have been configured accordingly.
tfc {
organization = "acme"
workspace {
name = "foo"
defaults {
s5 {
engine = "vault"
vault {
transit-key = "foo"
tfvvar "my_variable"{
s5 {
// Ciphered value
value = "{{s5:OGRmNTNmMzViZjA4Y2VkMjk5M2U3NDY4OTYwZWY4MzI3ZmU1Y=}}"
You can also override all the parameters on a per secret basis
envvar "my_other_variable"{
s5 {
// In here you can optionally override all the default configuration
vault {
transit-key = "bar"
// ...
// Ciphered value
value = "{{s5:OGRmNTNmMzViZjA4Y2VkMjk5M2U3NDY4OTYwZWY4MzI3ZmU2Y=}}"