Software Developer aspiring to design and engineer solutions to the world’s biggest problems and for the betterment of human life.
const mk = {
pronouns: "she" | "her",
Machine Learning: [Supervised and Unsupervised Models using Scikit-learn, basic deep learning, basic NLP ],
Data Visualization: [Using Python (Pandas, NumPy, Seaborn,Matplotlib), Tableau, Excel],
Salesforce: [Apex (classes, triggers), LWC, Data Loading, Tableau CRM, SOQL/SOSL],
Database Knowledge: [MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB],
Software Development: [Python, C++, Java, JS, CSS,Shell Scripting, Git],
Framework Knowledge: [Django, Flask, Docker, Jupyter, Heroku],
Languages: {
Native or bilingual proficiency: "English, Hindi",
Professional working proficiency: "French, Punjabi",
Limited working proficiency: "Urdu, German"
Other: {
Salesforce Profile: "",
Volunteering: "Online Research Mentor @FSST, Canada",