Virtual Amp Non-Linearity.
This is an Ardour5 plugin for simulating the central part of guitar amps.
It was implemented according to Block-oriented modeling of distortion audio effects using iterative minimization by Felix Eichas, Stephan Möller and Udo Zölzer
The effect block has to be inserted between two EQs. All parameters (including those of the EQs) can be found algorithmically in order to simulate real amps with close to undistinguishable resemblance, see all this research stuff. However, feel free to try to hand-tune.
Copy vampnl.lua into your Ardour5 script folder.
- GNU/Linux: $HOME/.config/ardour5/scripts
- Mac OS X: $HOME/Library/Preferences/Ardour5/scripts
- Windows: %localappdata%\ardour5\scripts
Then open Ardour, right-click on the effects stack of your track, New Plugin > By Creator > mqnc > VAmpNL (Lua)
Double-click the effect for tweaking parameters, shift-double-click for inline display of the input output curve.
Props and kudos to Felix and his homies!