Open COBOL ESQL 4J (OCESQL 4J) consits of open-source Embedded SQL pre-compiler and run time libraries for opensource COBOL 4J.
Open-source database. OCESQL 4J currently supports PostgreSQL database only.
opensource COBOL 4j v1.0.5 or later.
Run the following commands.
./configure --prefix=/usr/
make install
Download the PostgreSQL JDBC driver and add the path to $CLASSPATH.
Download the runtime library ocesql4j.jar in Release page and add the path to $CLASSPATH.
- Put the libcobj.jar (runtime library of opensource COBOL 4j) into dblibj/lib/.
- Move to dblibj directory and launch sbt.
- Run assembly command to create dblibj/target/scala-2.13/ocesql4j.jar.
Usage manuals is under construction. See test cases or sample programs.
- Support other COBOL data types (COMP3, SIGN LEADING, ... etc).
- Create docker images.