Pipe into a sequence of calls without repeating the pipe symbol.
This is inspired by Stefan Bache and Hadley Wickham’s magrittr pipe and behaves mostly consistently.
nakedpipe calls are more compact, and are intended to be more readable, though it’s expected that they will look surprising to new users. The syntax allowed the development of many additional features that cannot be implemented as ergonomically with magrittr.
An instant translation addin between magrittr and nakedpipe is included.
It’s not yet on CRAN so you should install with :
A basic {nakedpipe} call looks a lot like a {magrittr} pipe chain,
except that the piping symbol is not repeated, and that we surround the
calls with {}
{magrittr} syntax :
cars %>%
subset(speed < 6) %>%
transform(time = dist/speed)
#> speed dist time
#> 1 4 2 0.5
#> 2 4 10 2.5
{nakedpipe} syntax :
cars %.% {
subset(speed < 6)
transform(time = dist/speed)
#> speed dist time
#> 1 4 2 0.5
#> 2 4 10 2.5
The dot insertion rules are identical to the ones used by {magrittr},
and likewise if we surround a step in {}
, no dot will be inserted.
It plays well with left to right assignment:
cars %.% {
subset(speed < 6)
transform(time = dist/speed)
} -> res
Additional features include :
- Side effects, using
, similar tomagrittr::`%T>%
- Temporary assignments and assignments to the calling environment
- Shorthands for most common data manipulation operations, namely
and grouped transformations. - Conditional steps using
- Possibility to use {data.table} syntax for one step
- Additional pipes to debug, assign in place, print or clock each step…
Use ~~
for side effects:
cars %.% {
subset(speed < 6)
~~ message("nrow:", nrow(.))
transform(time = dist/speed)
#> nrow:2
#> speed dist time
#> 1 4 2 0.5
#> 2 4 10 2.5
This include assignments :
cars %.% {
subset(speed < 6)
~~ cars_h <- . # or ~~ . -> cars_h
transform(time = dist/speed)
#> speed dist time
#> 1 4 2 0.5
#> 2 4 10 2.5
#> speed dist
#> 1 4 2
#> 2 4 10
To assign to a temp variable, use a dotted name:
cars %.% {
~~ .n <- 6
subset(speed < .n)
transform(time = dist/speed)
#> speed dist time
#> 1 4 2 0.5
#> 2 4 10 2.5
#> [1] FALSE
For the very common subset()
and transform()
operations, shorthands
are available, so that for our first example we could simply write:
cars %.% {
speed < 6 # any call to < > <= >= == != %in% & | is interpreted as a subset call
time = dist/speed # any call to = is interpreted as a transform call
#> speed dist time
#> 1 4 2 0.5
#> 2 4 10 2.5
Use if
for conditional step. if the condition is not TRUE and there is
no else
clause the data is unchanged:
cars %.% {
subset(speed < 6)
if(ncol(.) < 5) transform(time = dist/speed)
#> speed dist time
#> 1 4 2 0.5
#> 2 4 10 2.5
cars %.% {
subset(speed < 6)
if(ncol(.) > 5) transform(time = dist/speed)
#> speed dist
#> 1 4 2
#> 2 4 10
We can use data.table syntax for one step by using .dt[...]
, the
output will be of the same class of the input (the temporary conversion
to data.table is invisible):
cars %.% {
speed < 8
time = dist/speed
.dt[, .(mmean_time = mean(time)), by = speed]
#> speed mmean_time
#> 1 4 1.500000
#> 2 7 1.857143
We can chain data.table brackets too:
cars %.% {
.dt[speed < 8][, time := dist/speed][,.(mmean_time = mean(time)), by = speed]
#> speed mmean_time
#> 1 4 1.500000
#> 2 7 1.857143
Assign in place using %<.%
cars_copy <- cars
cars_copy %<.% {
~~ message("nrow:", nrow(.))
transform(time = dist/speed)
#> nrow:2
#> speed dist time
#> 1 4 2 0.5
#> 2 4 10 2.5
Clock each step using %L.%
cars %L.% {
~~ Sys.sleep(1)
transform(time = dist/speed)
#> cars %L.% {
#> head(2)
#> user system elapsed
#> 0 0 0
#> ~~Sys.sleep(1)
#> user system elapsed
#> 0.00 0.00 1.02
#> transform(time = dist/speed)
#> user system elapsed
#> 0 0 0
#> }
#> speed dist time
#> 1 4 2 0.5
#> 2 4 10 2.5
the output of each step using %P.%
cars %P.% {
transform(time = dist/speed)
#> cars %P.% {
#> head(2)
#> speed dist
#> 1 4 2
#> 2 4 10
#> transform(time = dist/speed)
#> speed dist time
#> 1 4 2 0.5
#> 2 4 10 2.5
#> }
#> speed dist time
#> 1 4 2 0.5
#> 2 4 10 2.5
the output of each step using %V.%
cars %V.% {
transform(time = dist/speed)
is faster at the cost of using explicit dots
cars %..% {
transform(.,time = dist/speed)
#> speed dist time
#> 1 4 2 0.5
#> 2 4 10 2.5
It is better suited for programming and doesn’t support side effect notation but you can do :
cars %..% {
{message("nrow:", nrow(.)); .}
transform(.,time = dist/speed)
#> nrow:2
#> speed dist time
#> 1 4 2 0.5
#> 2 4 10 2.5
Create a function using %F.%
on .
fun <- . %F.% {
transform(.,time = dist/speed)
#> speed dist time
#> 1 4 2 0.5
#> 2 4 10 2.5
Apply a sequence of calls on all elements using %lapply.%
replicate(2, cars, simplify = FALSE) %lapply.% {
transform(.,time = dist/speed)
#> [[1]]
#> speed dist time
#> 1 4 2 0.5
#> 2 4 10 2.5
#> [[2]]
#> speed dist time
#> 1 4 2 0.5
#> 2 4 10 2.5
See ?"%.%"
and ?"%lapply.%"
to see all available pipes (including
variants of the above).
The %D.%
pipe allows you to step through the calls one by one.
# Debug the pipe using `%D.%`
cars %D.% {
transform(time = dist/speed)
You could also inster a browser() call as a side effect at a chosen step.
# Debug the pipe using `%D.%`
cars %D.% {
~~ browser()
transform(time = dist/speed)
It’s a little known trick that you can use magrittr’s pipe with
ggplot2 if you pipe to the +
symbol. It is convenient if you want to
use the ggplot object as the input of another function without
intermediate variables of bracket overload :
path <- tempfile()
cars %>%
head() %>%
ggplot(aes(speed, dist)) %>%
+ geom_point() %>%
+ ggtitle("head(cars)") %>%
# rather than
plt <- cars %>%
head() %>%
ggplot(aes(speed, dist)) +
geom_point() +
saveRDS(plt, path)
The former case above shows operators on both sides, which looks a bit complicated, the latter requires a temporary variable and we must look at the end of the previous line to know what kind of piping was done.
In both cases additionally if I chose to comment out the
line, I should also comment the last operator at
the end of the previous line.
With nakedpipe we can write :
cars %.% {
ggplot(aes(speed, dist))
+ geom_point()
+ ggtitle("head(cars)")
signs are neatly alligned, it’s obvious where the ggplot chain
starts and ends, and trivial to pipe it to another instruction or to
comment a line.
We provide an addin to ease the conversion.
It’s easy with standard pipes to run only the first steps of a pipe
chain, by selecting them and running selected code. With {nakedpipe}
the closing }
is missing if we do the same. The addin “nakedpipe run
incomplete call” allows one to run the selection after adding the
closing }
We’re a bit faster than {magrittr} 1.5, if you want to be even faster
use %..%
with explicit dots. Note that magrittr’s upcoming version
is much faster than both, though keep in mind these are micro seconds
and that the fastest solution is always not to use pipes at all. See
below the benchmark using {magrittr} 2.0
bench::mark(iterations = 10000,
`%>%` = cars %>%
identity %>%
identity() %>%
identity(.) %>%
`%.%` = cars %.% {
`%..%` = cars %..% {
`base` = {
. <- cars
. <- identity(.)
. <- identity(.)
. <- identity(.)
. <- identity(.)
#> # A tibble: 4 x 6
#> expression min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec`
#> <bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm> <dbl> <bch:byt> <dbl>
#> 1 %>% 4.5us 5.1us 161773. 0B 16.2
#> 2 %.% 113.2us 124.3us 6258. 280B 22.6
#> 3 %..% 24.4us 27.2us 24060. 0B 14.4
#> 4 base 2.2us 2.4us 349727. 0B 0
Runing setup_nakedpipe_snippets()
will open RStudio’s snippet file so
you can add our suggested snippets there. Follow the instructions and
you’ll be able to type :
cars . # + 2 time the <tab> key
and display :
cars %.% {
# with the cursor conveniently placed here
(or type ..
to get the %..%
{nakedpipe} is heavily inspired by {magrittr} and follows the same dot insertion rules.
The functions from *{dplyr}*
and the tidyverse in general had a big
influence on *{nakedpipe}*
{data.table} is the package behind the .dt[...]
syntax described
Alternative pipes are available on CRAN, at the time of writing and to
my knowledge, in packages wrapr and pipeR. The latter includes a
function pipeline()
that allows piping a sequence of calls in a
similar fashion as nakedpipe.