This is a React-Django website featuring user log in, sign up, log out etc. Users can post their To-dos on the website after logging in and click on finish when they are done with it. This is a great place to store your day to day important activities. Also there is an option to delete To-dos incase if you have cancelled your program.
This is a Full Stack Web Project which is implemented using Django(backend) and React(frontend).
- Django is used in the backend to manage database, setup models, handle REST API calls.
- Implemented REST API using Django REST Framework. All CRUD operations on To-dos, login, logout, user registrations etc is done using API. Used Django REST Knox for token authentication to securely communicate and exchange data with Django. Read here for more information.
- Access links here and here to see the differences between inbuilt DRF tokens and other auth libraries respectively.
- React : Popular open-source, component-based front end library responsible only for the view layer of the application. It is maintained by Facebook. Read here and here for more information.
- ReactDOM : ReactDOM is a package that provides DOM specific methods that can be used at the top level of a web app to enable an efficient way of managing DOM elements of the web page. Read here for more information.
- Redux : It lets your React components read data from a Redux store, and dispatch actions to the store to update data. Simply put, Redux is a state management tool. Read here and here for more information.
- Redux Thunk : Redux Thunk is a middleware that lets you call action creators that return a function instead of an action object. Read here and here for more information.
- Axios : Make XMLHttpRequests from the browser.
- Redux DevTools : Redux DevTools for debugging application's state changes. It's a very important utility tool.
- React Router : Declarative routing for React. Read here for more information.
- Babel : Babel is a JavaScript compiler that converts edge JavaScript into plain old ES5 JavaScript that can run in any browser (even the old ones). Read here and here for more information.
- Webpack : Webpack takes all your javascript files and any other assets and transforms then into one huge file (bundles them). Read here for more information.
Python, HTML, CSS, SQL, Javascript, Git
Django, React, Redux, Axios, Redux Thunk, React Router, ReactDOM, React Alert, Redux DevTools, Webpack, Babel, Bootstrap, Django REST Knox, Django REST Framework, PyCharm, VSCode
SQLite(for development), Postgresql(for production)
Windows(my PC), Linux(Deployment server)