A Python script for automating Bilkent University SRS - Student Academic Information Registration System - login process (with 2-Step verification set to email).
Download or clone the project
Install Python(if not already):
Install the webdriver:
- If you want to use Safari, run the following command in the terminal:
safaridriver --enable
- For other browsers follow this guide.
- If you want to use Safari, run the following command in the terminal:
Create your app password:
Skip this step if you are using Bilkent webmail or you don't have 2-step verification turned on for your email, you don't need and app password. Use your email password instead.
- For Gamil use this guide
- For Yahoo use this guide
- For Outlook use this guide
Add the information required in configurations.py.
Open windows-installer.bat
Stars executable will be created in the "dist" folder.
In the terminal navigate to the STARS folder and run the following commands:
chmod +x mac-installer